DEADLINE EXTENDED! We are still accepted plastic bottles. Please send them with your child to school by Friday, April 12. Spalding’s Garden Committee is working with West Ada Grounds/ Facilities on a School STEM Project. We are working on growing turf for our playground.
4 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Turf Project- Bottles Needed
Our PTO has arranged for a delicious fundraiser today at Gyroshack. This is only available at the Gyroshack on Maple Grove and Emerald. It's easy to enjoy delicious food when you know you are benefiting the school. #ForOurKids #SpaldingSTEM
4 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM fundraiser at Gyroshack today! (Maple Grove and Emerald location only)
When students complete their i-Ready minutes there is a significant positive impact on their educational growth. Working on these minutes at home allows students to extend their learning opportunities. #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
4 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Have you completed your i-Ready minutes?
Spalding’s Garden Committee is working with West Ada Grounds/ Facilities on a School STEM Project. We are working on growing turf for our playground.
4 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM School STEM Project: Growing Turf
Spalding STEM'S Third grade was happy to host KTVB's meteorologist, Rachel Garceau for a weather presentation this morning! She helped kick off our PBL unit on weather and got students excited about meteorology. Each third-grade class will be showcased tomorrow (Tuesday) morning on "Wake Up Idaho" if you'd like to tune in to KTVB, at 6:50 a.m. (approx.). #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
4 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Weather Presentation
Weather Presentation
Weather Presentation
Weather Presentation
Weather Presentation
Spalding STEM was so lucky to have Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, visit today. She talked with kindergarten through second grade students about her books. Thank you so much for coming to Spalding. #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
4 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
Emily Inouye Huey, a children’s author, talking with kindergarten through second grade students.
The March Newsletter is in your inbox now.
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
March Newsletter is in your inbox now.
It is READ Week at Spalding STEM. There is a dress-up theme for each day. And don't forget that Wednesday is a Professional Development Day so there is no school. Our PTO is also holding it's annual Dime Drive this week. It's going to be a great week of learning!
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
READ Week at Spalding STEM
Last week, Spalding STEM hosted our annual Family STEM Nights. We had so much fun with our school families and are eagerly anticipating next year's event. Here are just a few more pictures of the fun, learning, and time with family. Thank you to all who participated.
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM loves our first Friday Popcorn. It's a fund raiser for the PTO but a tasty way to end the week too. Very thankful for the PTO volunteers that make this possible! #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Popcorn ready to be delivered to everyone who ordered some
PTO Volunteers making popcorn
Our second Family STEM Night and Book Fair are underway. We will be here having fun and innovating until 7 PM. So thankful for opportunities to gather with students and their families. #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Just a few more pictures from our first, of two, Family STEM and Book Fair nights was an amazing success! Thank you to all of the individuals who helped out with this event. And thank you to all of the families who attended. We look forward to seeing more of our Spalding families tomorrow night. #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM Night Activities
Spalding STEM Night Activities
More pictures from our first, of two, Family STEM and Book Fair nights was an amazing success! Thank you to all of the individuals who helped out with this event. And thank you to all of the families who attended. We look forward to seeing more of our Spalding families tomorrow night. #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Spalding STEM Activities
Our first, of two, Family STEM and Book Fair nights was an amazing success! Thank you to all of the individuals who helped out with this event. And thank you to all of the families who attended. We look forward to seeing more of our Spalding families tomorrow night. #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
STEM Night Activity
What is better than the Book Fair or Family STEM Night? BOTH! Tonight and tomorrow are Spalding STEM Academy's STEM Nights AND Book Fair. We will be here 5:30-7:00 PM. We are trying to balance the crowds by suggesting the first half of the alphabet tonight and the second half tomorrow night, but please attend the night you are available. There are so many fun activities to explore and enjoy...and so many books to buy too. Hope to see you there! #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
STEM Night and Book Fair at Spalding STEM Academy tonight and tomorrow night
Spalding STEM Academy is ecstatic to announce this year's Teacher of the Year and Classified Employee of the Year! Mrs. Brandi Huffman and Mrs. Amy Little are incredible members of the Spalding Staff. Some of the words used to describe them include: goes above and beyond, student-focused, wonderful, positive, and brings so much to their teams. We could go on and on about the attributes of both of these dedicated employees. They are amazing. Thank you and CONGRATULATIONS Mrs. Huffman and Ms. Amy! #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Mrs. Huffman, Spalding’s Teacher of the Year
Ms. Amy, Spalding’s Classified Employee of the Year
Ms. Amy and Mrs. Huffman
The book fair has opened. The kids are so excited. And we have some wonderful volunteers who have been helping out too! Spalding loves our volunteers (a few of the Book Fair volunteers are pictured here). #SpaldingSTEM #ForOurKids
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Book Fair Volunteers
Spalding’s Book Fair Schedule
The Book Fair is almost here! So exciting! #ForOurKids #SpaldingSTEM
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
This year’s Book Fair has an Ocean theme
This year’s Book Fair has an Ocean theme.
This year’s Book Fair has an Ocean theme.
Book Fair items ready to be unpacked
The February Spalding STEM Newsletter was emailed out early last week. You can also find the Newsletter on our website at Here are some of our upcoming events!
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM Academy's Upcoming Events
We are hiring. West Ada has many job opportunities available, some at Spalding STEM.
5 months ago, Spalding STEM Academy
Spalding STEM is hiring