The Renaissance High School Art Committee was revived this year. For their final meeting, the group completed a group Mosaic, where each member created a tile for their group's mascot: the KRACKEN!
over 2 years ago, West Ada School District
renaissance high school art committee students putting together group mosaic
renaissance high school art group photo of students
student artwork - octopus mosaic
IFAA Day of Service 2022! Students, staff and families gave back to the community contributing 459 hours of service to the following local organizations: Eight Community Partner sites: Idaho Botanical Garden, Eagle Island State Park, Eagle Sports Complex, Lyons Park, Kleiner Park, Morris Hill Cemetery, Boise Rescue Mission, Rotary, Wetland Peace Preserve
over 2 years ago, West Ada School District
students picking up trash in park
students creating a human pyramid
students cleaning cemetery head stone
West Ada School District hosted their annual art show at the Initial Point Gallery in Meridian on May 6. What a wonderful showcase of student talent and creativity!
over 2 years ago, West Ada School District
initial point gallery artwork display
student artwork - watercolor painting
mandalorian made out of candy - student artwork
girls face made out of cardboard - student artwork
Thank you Meridian Fire Department for serving lunch alongside our school nutrition professionals at Chaparral Elementary in honor of School Lunch Hero Day. Heroes in action and working alongside one another! #wearewestada #proudtobewasd
over 2 years ago, West Ada School District
school nutrition and fire department serve lunch to students
fire fighter with child at school lunch
This week our PRINCIPAL PRIDE spotlight is on Larry Parks, Lake Hazel Middle School • Number of Years in West Ada: 5 • Number of Years at current school: 1 • What I like about West Ada: It goes without saying that I love the students and staff; however, I also love all of the resources our district has in place to support both students and staff. • The best thing about being a Principal is...I love the diverse population of students that we have at LHMS. • Family: I have been married for to my wife, Anne, for 27 years. We have three daughters--Madison-27, Tori-23, and Maci-15. We also have two grandchildren--Jack-3, and Piper-17months. • Favorite Food: Mexican Food • Favorite TV Show: Yellowstone • Hobbies: Upland game hunting, college football, and ping pong. • Fun Fact: I love Double Bubble. We are so lucky to have such exceptional leaders in West Ada. Thank you for your continued leadership, dedication, service and compassion to those you serve! #wearewestada #proudtobewasd
over 2 years ago, West Ada School District
Larry parks laze Hazel Middle school principal pride
Larry parks biographical info