Text: SEE TELL NOW! When you see something, tell someone, now!  SEE- When you are in and around our school simply be aware of your surrounding. You may notice something that doesn't see right, looks odd, or is simply out of the ordinary.   TELL- Tell someone at your school or call the police but tell someone. We want to know what is happening at our school and your observations are important.   NOW- Do it NOW. Don't wait, don't hesitate. If something looks out of place to you, it likely is. Where the safety of our children is concerned it is better safe than sorry.   Remember if you see something, tell someone, DO it NOW - SEE-TELL-NOW! Scan QR code or visit seetellnow.org to make/send a tip.
west ada school district summer 2024 technology update
Test: Updated and Board Approved 2024-25 School Year Calendar. Available now and posted online at www.westada.org or by scanning the QR code below.  Pictures: QR code and a cut out of the calendar.
School of Choice Late Application Available Now
Our Spalding Garden is an outdoor classroom where students can explore real life STEM.
stack of book with words saying good morning
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