New Student Orientation Friday, August 9th We hope you encourage your students to attend the New Student Orientation at Rocky on Friday, August 9th, from 11am-12:30 pm. The Rocky Student Council will meet with students first in the Auditorium at 11 am. Students will have an opportunity to get to know our student leaders, participate in fun activities, and will have a chance to learn more about the great opportunities available to them this year. For parents, there will be an opportunity to attend a meeting with administrators to learn more about the school, our goals for this year, and how to support their students during the school year. There will also be a Q & A portion of the meeting. After the meeting, parents will have a chance to reunite with their students and are welcome to walk around the campus to locate your students' classes. Here is a breakdown of the Orientation schedule: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: New Students ONLY will meet in the Auditorium with the Rocky Student Council for a presentation and fun activities; parents can choose to leave at this time or stay for the information meeting with administrators in the Cafeteria 12:00 - 12: 30 PM: students and parents are welcome to stay to explore the campus and find classes listed on their class schedules We hope to see you there!
29 days ago, Daniel Lunt
2024-2025 Schedules will be available in PowerSchool on Tuesday August 6. Make sure to update your demographics in PowerSchool prior to this day to make sure your schedule is visible. If you have a district-approved change request, please send one email to your counselor with the information including the course requested to be changed, reason, and multiple 2nd choices. Counselors will work through requests on a first come, first serve basis to update schedules. Remember to double check your schedule on the first day of school, as balancing and changes will continue to take place over the next couple of weeks. District approved changes can be found here - Due to the timeframe and number of requests received, counselors are unable to accommodate requests for individual meetings regarding schedules. The deadline for all schedule change request for fall semester is Monday, August 19 at 3pm. Enjoy the rest of your summer, and we look forward to seeing you all on August 14!
about 1 month ago, Heather Ginn
Class Schedule
We hope you are all enjoying your Summer. We are just four weeks away from the start of the school year. Wednesday, August 14th is the first day of school! In the July Newsletter, there are important reminders for Summer as well as important information to help prepare for the start of the school year.
about 2 months ago, Daniel Lunt
Newsletter image
RMHS Summer Newsletter Here is our newsletter that has important information to help prepare everyone for another great school year starting Wednesday, August 14th. Have a great Summer!
3 months ago, Daniel Lunt
Congratulations 3-D Best of Show - Carly Ward, 2-D Lois Beers - traffic Box Winner, and Matt Ball - Photography for their wins at the West Ada District Art competition.
4 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Lois Beers
 Carly Ward
Summer school registration is now open! There are options for in-person and online. Check your historical grades in PowerSchool to see if you have failed or lost credit in a course required for graduation. Click the link below for more information and registration instructions. Registration must be completed using the student’s account.
5 months ago, Heather Ginn
SUmmer School
2024-25 Incoming Rocky Mountain students join us for an Open House night!!!
5 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Open House
2nd annual Chess tournament is here! Who will be our next Grand Master and take home a trophy?" Sign-ups are open! First day of tournament play is February 20th. Use the QR code to sign up or see the office/library for paper signup sheets. Prizes will be given through out the entire tournament.
7 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Chess tournament
RMHS Community. Due to today's Snow Day falling on a B day again, the district calendar has changed tomorrow (Thurs 1/18) from an A day to a B day. We will continue to follow the original calendar rotation again starting Friday. That means Friday will also be a B day. Students, please plan accordingly. We hope to see everyone healthy and safe at school tomorrow.
8 months ago, Daniel Lunt
Student come join us for Advanced Opportunity!!!
8 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Congratulations to published author Rocky Mountain student Xander on your book launch!
10 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Congratulations to Rocky's Girl Rugby team "2023 Fall Sevens State Champions"
10 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Rugby 2023
On 10/14 the Grizzly Marching Band competed in the Treasure Valley Festival of Bands at Ridgevue High School. They won Best Visual Performance and 1st Place Overall in the 5A-Small division.
11 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Congratulations 2023 District girls Champion golf team!!
11 months ago, Tammy O'Rourke
RMHS families... We would love to see some volunteers in our building! Volunteers need to complete and submit the following 4 forms to you. Handbooks | West Ada School District can be found at Volunteer Application form Volunteer Disclosure Statement form Volunteer Acknowledgment Statement form NCPA Waiver Agreement form ALL Volunteers must be fingerprinted regardless of being supervised or unsupervised. The district will assume the cost of this expense which is $28.25.
about 1 year ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Welcome back students! We are excited to see you tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Tammy O'Rourke
Welcome Back
Here is a presentation that has general information about Rocky and preparing for the upcoming school year: We look forward to seeing everyone Tomorrow! Come dressed ready for pictures on the day you have your English class - either Tomorrow, Aug 16 (A-Day) or Thursday, Aug 17 (B-Day).
about 1 year ago, Daniel Lunt
College & Career Ready Chart
Get involved... join a club, sport or activity!!
about 1 year ago, Tammy O'Rourke
New Student Orientation is tomorrow, Friday, August 11th, at 11AM. This will be a great opportunity for students and their families that are new to Rocky to explore the campus and to learn more about the great opportunities available for learning and connection during the 2023-24 school year. New Students - Our fabulous Student Council has a program planned for all new students starting at 11am in the Auditorium/Theater. This is for students only. Students will get an introduction to Rocky culture through performances and special messages from our Student Council officers. Parents/Guardians - once you drop off your student(s) at the theater, you are invited to participate in the following: Explore information kiosks in our main office hallways (known as "the four corners") where you will learn about the resources and services provided in each of the offices. At 11:10 AM, we invite you to join administrators and counselors in the cafeteria for a meet/greet in addition to a brief presentation about this year's goals and programs to promote college and career readiness for all Rocky students. At 11:40 AM, parents/guardians will reunite with their students outside of the auditorium/theater and are welcome to explore the campus to find their classrooms and other key buildings in preparation for the first day of school. The building will be open until 12:30 PM. Please have your schedules printed off before you arrive or written down with the room numbers so that you are able to explore the campus and find where your classrooms will be located.
about 1 year ago, Daniel Lunt
Dress Code Reminder! It's very important that you and your child review and understand the West Ada Dress Code Policy before the first day of school to avoid any possible disciplinary actions. To review the dress code in its entirety please visit Rocky Mountain's parent/student page.
about 1 year ago, Tammy O'Rourke