Congratulations to our Classified Employee of the Year, Mandi Baker and our Certified Employee of the Year, Shannan Howell. Both of these women are leaders in our building and put students first! Thank you, Mandi and Shannan!!
14 days ago, River Valley Elementary
2 women standing next to each other in the library
It's almost time! Join us next week for Math Night featuring math games to take home for each family! We will also be serving pizza! See you there: March 6th 5:00-6:30 p.m. in the cafeteria!
4 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Family game night Thursday, March 6th 5:00-6:30 pizza and games provided to each family
Familia noche de juegos matemaicos familiar jueves, 6 de marzo 5:00-6:30 juegos matematicos para llevar y pizza
Read Week is here! March 3-7 River Valley will have some CrAzY dress up days! Join the fun!
6 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Make that loose change do some big things! Bring your extra change by the front office to help feed kids in need!
7 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Blue background with the words Week one Wrap up WAEF Hoops 4 Hunger Who's leading the pack in Hoops 4 Hunger? Dunk your change for a good cause. Check out Week one's top Schools:Elementary #1 Spalding #2 Ustick #3 Silver Sage $3 Paramount MIddle: #1 Victory #2 Eagle Middle #3 Heritage #4 Lowell Scott High: #1 Owyhee #2 Mountain View #3 Centennial #4 Meridian Academy  There's still time to push your school to the top! Every penny helps feed kids in need. check out the details and see where your school stands on the Leader Board
Our Talent Show was an amazing success! Thank you to everyone who performed and who came out to support our talented Eagles!! A big thank you to Mrs. Benites for organizing such a fantastic evening!
8 days ago, River Valley Elementary
2 students singing
2 students displaying art work
Child reading a poem
Students playing drums
Photo of child in a cape and magician's hat performing magic tricks
The wait is over! Our TALENT SHOW is finally here! Join us on Friday, February 21st...5:30 pm in the gym at RVE.
13 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Cartoon children with the words River Valley Elementary Rescheduled Talent Show Join us for a fun night of sharing talents! All RVE families are invited to attend Friday, February 21st at 5:30 pm in the gym Refreshements will be provided
We love our teachers! THANK A TEACHER this Valentines Day!
19 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Multi-colored candy hearts with the words Spread lthe love this Valentines Day Teaching is a work of heart let your child's teacher know how much you appreciate them. Your gift directly supports the classroom, providing new resources and enriching experiences for your child and their peers.
Third grade visited the Boise Philharmonic! What a treat! Eagles love good music!
19 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Students with teacher in front of blue backdrop
Students with teacher in front of blue backdrop that reads Boise Phil 2025
Students in front of blue backdrop that reads Boise Phil 2025
Students with teacher in front of blue backdrop
Students with teacher in front of blue backdrop
Students in front of a blue backdrop that says Boise Phil 2025
Photo of people playing instruments and a man speaking in a microphone
Students seated in an auditorium
Students with teacher in front of bliue backdrop that reads Boise Phil 2025
Mark your calendars and join us on March 6th for our MATH NIGHT! There will be pizza and math games to take home! It will be a blast!
19 days ago, River Valley Elementary
School supplies in the background with the words Family Math Game Night Thursday, March 6th 5:00 -6:30 Pizza and games provided to each family
School supplies in the background with the words "Familia Noche de juegos matematicos familiar jueves, 6 de marzo 5:00 to 6:30 juegos matematicos para llevar y pizza
River Valley had some very old visitors on our 100th Day of School!
26 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Small children dressed up as a 100-year-old women in a classroom
Small children dressed up as 100-year-old people in a classroom
Small child dressed up as a 100-year-old woman in a classroom
Small child dressed up as a 100-year-old man in a classroom
Small children dressed up as 100 year old people in a classroom
Young children dressed up as 100-year-old people in a classroom
4th and 5th graders had a blast learning to ski and snowboard up at Bogus Basin! What a treat!
26 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Children in snow clothes skiing and snowboarding down the hill at Bogus Basin, Idaho
Children in snow clothes learning to snow board on snow
children in snow clothes learning to ski on snow
Children in snow clothes practicing skiing on snow
Children on snow boards in snow clothes on snow
Students from Centennial High School developed and taught an art lesson based on the works of Jim Dime for our 5th graders. River Valley Eagles have talent!
27 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Picture of a blue papered bulletin board with various multi-colored hearts by 5th grade students in the style of Jim Dime. Ma
Picture of a white paper with green and yellow circular spots
Picture of a child making green, yellow and blue lines on a paper
Picture of a child making pink and blue hearts on a white piece of paper
Join us for our Talent Show!
28 days ago, River Valley Elementary
cartoon image of children with the words "River Valley Elementary Talent Show Join us for a fun night of sharing talents! All RVE families are invited to attend Friday, February 7th at 5:30 p.m. in the gym
Snow much fun at River Valley today! Don't forget your snow gear!
29 days ago, River Valley Elementary
Ms. Ganske and Mrs. TIffany in the snow
Children in pink coats in the snow with a snowman
Children in the snow
4 children in the snow
Child in the snow
Children in the snow making a snowman
⭐River Valley 3rd, 4th & 5th Grade Students:⭐ Please click on the link below to fill out the quick survey:
about 1 month ago, River Valley Elementary
Survey image
Come have a great time at Wahooz and support the West Ada Foundation! February 27th 4-8 pm
about 1 month ago, River Valley Elementary
Flyer with information about West Ada Foundation Night at Wahooz! $5 from each ticket purchased benefits the West Ada Schools Foundation! Thursday, February 27th, 4-8 pm Indoor Incredible just $25.99 plus tax ($14 savings with $5 donated to the Foundation) Indoor Incredible includes: unlimited use of 9 indoor attractions unlimited Bowling (first come, first serve on available lanes) $5 arcade band Online purchase only Scan QR code or click button below to buy tickets in advance. Redeem at Wahooz kiosks or ticket counter.
We celebrated our vibrant River Valley Culture at Culture Night! We enjoyed food, songs and dances from around the world. Thank you to Ms. Campbell, Mrs. Patchen, Mrs. Line and Mrs. Mower for a spectacular night! We can't wait for next year!
about 1 month ago, River Valley Elementary
Many children standing and holding flags of many nations
Man playing guitar and singing  while sitting on a stool
girl singing in yellow shirt and blue skirt
Girl dancing in blue dress and white shirt
Girl singing in red shirt and blue jeans
Teacher and student standing in front of a bulletin board with flags from many nations
4 women standing in front of a bulletin board l to r Ms. Campbell, Mrs. Patchen, Mrs. Line and Mrs. Mower
Children standing in front of large tv with the words "Welcome Multicultural Festival River Valley Elementary Culture NIght
Children standing in front of bulletin board with many different flags of the world
Please join us TONIGHT 1/23/25 for our CULTURE NIGHT! We have an exciting night planned with student performances, food and friends! Events begin at 5:30 p.m. We can't wait to see you!
about 1 month ago, River Valley Elementary
Cartoon Earth with flags of the workd
Please join us for Culture Night!
about 2 months ago, River Valley Elementary
Pictures of kids and balloons text reads Please join us for River Valley Cultural Night Thursday, January 23rd 5:30-7:30 We have an exciting night planned! Enjoy student performances from different cultures, get to know students, parents and teacher in a fun environment Bring an authentic food dish to share
Pictures of kids with balloons Text reads in Spanish Por favor unase a nosotros para una noche cultural de River Valley Jueve 23 de enero  5:30-7:00 Tenemos una noche emociante planeda Disfruta de las actuacions de estudiantes de diferentes culturas Conozca a los estudiantes , padres y maestros  en un ambiente divertido Traigan un plato de comida autentico para compartir
about 2 months ago, River Valley Elementary
Candy hearts with Spread the love this Valentines Day Teaching is a work of heart - let your child's teacher know how much you appreciate them. Your gift directly supports the classroom, providing new resources and enriching experiences for your child and their peers.