Cell Phones, Smart Watches, and Gizmos
Cell phones are to be off and in backpacks. Students may not use them while on the school campus, beginning at drop off and ending when picked up. If the device allows, watches must be silenced or on school mode. These may remain on their wrist as long as they can be utilized as a tool and not a toy, meaning they are not used during the school day, nor should students play with the item.
If a student needs to contact a parent, a staff member or student will use a classroom or office phone. Students should not contact parents on their devices during the school day or receive calls from family members. Don't hesitate to contact the front office if you need to have a message sent to your student before the end of the day, preferably before 3:00.
I know safety and communication with your children are essential; we value and respect this. We ask that you make sure to work with your children about the school expectations with these devices.
If the items are not used correctly or become a distraction, the item will remain with an adult until the end of the day. If the problem persists, the item will be turned in to Mrs. Senethavilay, and she will call to have a parent pick up the device.
Thank you for understanding and working with us as we continue to maintain privacy for all and limit interruptions to the learning environment.