From the Health Office

From the Health Office

With cold and flu season upon us, here are some quick reminders for when students should remain home:

  • Fever greater than 100.0 degrees: A fever lets us know that our body is fighting an infection. We are contagious during this time and need rest. Students should be fever free for at least 24 hours, without fever reducing medication, before returning to school.
  • Vomiting and/or diarrhea: Students should stay home for 24 hours without vomiting diarrhea before returning to school to make sure they can keep food/liquids down.
  • Sore throat with a fever greater than 100.0 degrees: Students should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication. If they are diagnosed with Strep throat, then they should stay home until they have been on the prescribed antibiotics and are fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication.
  • Students should stay home if they have a new onset persistent cough in which they are coughing so much it keeps them from participating in class or disrupts their classmates. Student may return when their cough is no longer disruptive to the educational environment and/or the student is cleared to return to school by their health care provider.

*There may be exceptions. Please contact your school nurse with any questions.

For a complete overview of the Health Services Department, click on the link. This is a great start to answer any questions that you may have. There is also a very detailed section for Parent Resouces that may be helpful.