Ski Club

Welcome to Snow Bound Cherokees! 

What is Snow Club? 

The Cherokee Ski & Snowboard Club (Snow Bound) is Lake Hazel Middle School’s connection to the Bogus Basin School Race Program. This program is run by Bogus Basin, with the help of volunteers from the Treasure Valley schools, to provide students a chance to start racing in a fun atmosphere. The goal of Bogus Basin’s School Race Program is to encourage participation and friendly competition and, of course, to get people up the mountain! 

Participants are responsible for their own equipment and transportation to the mountain. Membership dues are $15 per year to the club advisor, Mrs. Jackson. This covers the school’s cost to participate in the races. 

The Snow Bound Cherokees is currently just for students at Lake Hazel Middle School who plan to race.  


Skiing can be expensive. Luckily, the race program offers discounts! If students have their own equipment, and a season pass, the $15 membership fee is the only cost.  If students do not already have equipment or a pass they will need to purchase or rent what they need (helmets are required to race).  

Cost Breakdown: 

Membership fee $15 (collected by Mrs. Jackson) 

Equipment Rental * $4 off the daily package  

Pass *            $29+tax (purchased at 8:30 am on race days) 

Transportation self-provided 

Items marked with an * are those that would have to be paid each time a student races. Students usually participate in at least 4 out of 7 total races, which means an average cost of a season, if a student does not have their own gear or pass, would be about $300.  


When Do We Meet? 

Our first meeting will be held in advisory on Tuesday November 19th for students. There will be a parent meeting on November 21st at 5:30 in room 700! We will have 1 more meeting for students before the first race on 1/11.  


More About the Races 

Members of the club participate in AT LEAST three (3) of the six Saturday races. Students may race at their OWN level of experience (beginner-1, intermediate-2, expert-3, Advanced-4) on either skis or snowboards in any of the three disciplines: Nordic, Free Style (Free Style is not for beginners) and Slalom. Race dates and times are listed on the attached page.  


Participation in at least 3 of the races will result in eligibility for the Dotty Clark Championships. This will be an unexcused absence from school and students will still be responsible for any work missed on that day.  

Race Day Passes 

A qr code on a white background

Description automatically generatedBogus Basin provides special passes for Club members who do not have a season pass! The cost for the race day pass is significantly discounted. Passes are only good for the race day when they are purchased, and Club members MUST race that day, or they will not be eligible to buy these passes again. Members who need a race day pass MUST let Mrs. Jackson know by the Wednesday before the race in order to buy the pass on Saturday. Students MUST have their school ID card on the mountain to race and purchase a pass. Race Day passes will not be sold after 1:00pm. Passes can be purchased at the Bogus office or at the Simplot Lodge on race day.  



How Do I Become a Member? 

To become a member, you MUST complete the following… 

____ $15 membership fee to Mrs. Jackson (get receipt) 

____ Ski Team Membership Information with Liability Release Form done online with a parent 😊  

To do this, go to the Bogus Basin website. Race results will be found here every Sunday also (you can email Mrs. Jackson or Mrs. Krebs for the “live” link too)



School Race Times  





10:00 am 

Frontier Point Lodge (Nordic Center) 

Snowboard Expert HS/MS 

10:30 am 



11:30 pm 

Front Side  

Ski Slalom 

1:30 pm 


  • Races will be held EVERY Saturday starting Jan. 11th at Bogus Basin Ski Resort unless cancelled due to weather and/or slope conditions-Mrs. Jackson will post on teams if this happens.