✨Mrs. Martin has dedicated a lot of her time to our after-school tutoring program. We appreciate all of her time and efforts to help ensure our students are supported and have a location to receive additional help. You rock, Michelle! ✨
about 1 year ago, Explorers
WEST ADA RAFFLE FUNDRAISER 2023-2024 100% of the proceeds will stay with Lewis & Clark Middle School Athletics Fall Prizes - o Chevrolet Equinox Vehicle: $40,000 value o Bruneel Point S Gift Card: $1,500 in store credit o Coca-Cola Giveaway: $1,500-$2,000- See BELOW- o Visa Gift Card donated by KM Engineering: (5) $500 Prizes will be drawn in the Fall, Winter, and Spring. https://westadafundraiser.com/raffle-tickets/middle-school-raffle-tickets/lewis-clark-middle/
over 1 year ago, Explorers