Back to School


West Ada School District

August 1, 2024

School Name

School Principal

Back to School Event

Andrus Elementary

Danielle Andrus

August 14 -Kindergarten 2:00-3:00pm and 1st-5th Grades 3:00-4:00 pm

Barbara Morgan STEM Academy

Katie Mittleider

Meet and Greet: August 13 2024 from 4:30-5:30.

Centennial High School

Jason Robarge

August 9th, 9am - 12pm

Central Academy High School

Joe Palaia

Chapparal Elementary School

Doni Davis

Meet the Teacher-Monday, August 12 from 4:30-5:30

Chief Joseph School of the Arts

Gretchen Hart

Meet and Greet, 8/13/24, 3:00-4:00, Chief Joseph School

Christine Donnell School of the Arts

Jennifer Maxwell

Meet the Teacher, 8/12/24, 4:30 - 6:00 PM

Crossroads Middle School

Matt Mura

Orientation for 6th Graders and new CMS students, 8/13/24,1-4pm.

Desert Sage Elementary School

Beau Dahlgren

Meet the Teacher, 8/13/24, 2:00pm-3:30pm, DSE

Discovery Elementary School

Brittany Amos

Meet the Teacher, 8/13/2024, 2:00-4:00 PM

Eagle Academy High School

Evan Sprengel

Eagle Academy Family Information Meeting ("What's new at EA"), 8/5/24, Noon-1:00pm, EA and Eagle Academy Family Information Meeting ("What's new at EA"), 8/6/24, 5:00pm-6:00pm, EA

Eagle Elementary

Corinne Hoppe

8-13-24 Meet and Greet 3:00-4:30PM

Eagle High School

Susan McInerney

New Student Orientation- 8/8/24- 9:00-11:00

Eagle Hills Elementary School

Curtis Anderson

Meet and Greet, August 12, 3:30-4:00 and PTO Ice Cream Social, August 12, 4:00-5:00

Eagle Middle School

Matt Genetti

Colt Kick-Off (10am-2pm) 8/8, New Student Orientation (2:30-4pm) 8/13.

Frontier Elementary School

Katie Rutan

Meet and Greet - August 13th 4:00-5:30, Back to School - August 29th 6:00-7:30

Galileo STEM Academy

Rob Lamb

Kindergarten Kickoff, August 10, 10:00 AM, Galileo Gym Meet and Greet, August 13, 9:00 AM, Galileo

Heritage Middle School

Ryan Wilhite

Open House/Orientation - Open to all HMS students and parents. Two identical sessions: Aug. 8th: 9:00 - 11:00 or 3:00 - 5:00, There will be a 30 minute presentation in the gym at the beginning of the session and then students and parents will be released to walk their schedule, put supplies in their locker, etc.

Hillsdale Elementary

Khristie Bair

Aug. 12-Hillsdale Meet and Greet: 4:30-6:00pm-visit the school, meet your child's teacher(s) and put away your school supplies.
Aug. 12-Food Trucks at Hillsdale Park: 4:00-7:00pm (easy way to provide dinner for your family as you attend Meet and Greet.
Aug. 14th-Hillsdale Kindergarten Parent "Tears and Cheers" 9:30-10:30 in the cafeteria come meet our PTO and other parents with incoming kindergarten students.

Hunter Elementary

Jeff Christopherson

Meet and Greet is scheduled 2:30 - 4:00 on Tuesday August 13th

Idaho Fine Arts Academy

Chris Housel

IFAA Fall Registration and Building Orientation 8/8/2024 8 AM - 12 PM

Joplin Elementary

Justine Burgess

Lake Hazel Elementary School

Jennifer Logan

Lake Hazel Middle School

Cara Hinkson

New to LHMS Open House, 8/8/2024, 2-6pm

Lewis and Clark Middle School

Monty Hyde

7/8 grade orientation (8/8 8:00-11:00) and 6 grade orientation (8/8 1:00-4:00)

Lowell Scott Middle School

Jolene Cartwright

Charger Camp (6th grade and new to LSMS orientation) Aug. 8th 10 AM-12 PM, Continuing Students Open House-Get schedules, lockers, access badges Aug. 8th 3-5 PM

Mary McPherson Elementary School

Jenny Arsenault

Meet and Greet, 8/12/24, 4-5:30pm, Mary Mac and Back to School Night 8/29/24, 6-7:30pm, Mary Mac

McMillan Elementary School

Sara Digrazia

Perk Up With the Principal: 8:30-9:00, August 9 in the Nest (Community School), Meal Application Fair: 9:00-10:30, August 9 in the Computer Lab, Meet and Greet: 3:00-4:30, August 13 in classrooms, Meal Application Fair: 3:00-4:30, August 13 in the Computer Lab

Meridian Academy High School

Eian Harm

Meridian Elementary School

Courtney Parker

Meet and Greet: Aug 12th, 3:00-4:00, MES

Meridian High School

Jill Lillienkamp

Freshman Orientation, 8/5/2024, 8am-10am, MHS MPAC, 10th-12th grade Back To School Day, 8/5/2024, 10am-6pm, MHS, Main Building

Meridian Middle School

Nichole Velasquez

Meridian Middle School ML and Sped Orientation Aug. 8 at 3:00 PM.

Meridian Middle School 6th Grade and New Students (Grades 7 &8) Orientation August 8th at 5:30 PM

Mountain View High School

Scot Montoya

Aug. 9th from 1:30 to 3, in the Auditormium

Owyhee High School

Rachel Edwards

Freshman/New Student Orientation, 8/8/24, 9-10:30

Paramount Elementary School

Brooke Roy

Paramount’s “Meet and Greet” time is 12:00-2:00 pm on Tuesday, August 13th

Pathways Middle School

Eric Eschen

All Student Orientation-August 12th 6:00-7:30pm

Pepper Ridge Elementary

Alisa Tueller

Kindergarten Orientation, August 13, 2 Sessions, Meet and Greet, August 14, 8:15-9am

Peregrine Elementary School

John Labbe

Meet and Greet: 4:00 to 6:00 on August 12.

Back To School Night: 6:00 to 7:30 on August 29.

Pioneer School of the Arts

David Jakious

Meet & Greet, 8/13/24, 4:30-5:30pm, PIES (Grades 1-5), Kindergarten Orientation, 8/13/24, AM (times vary), PIES (K)

Pleasant View Elementary School

Amy Senethavilay

Pronghorns and Popsicles for Kindergarten, August 2, Keith Bird Park, 7-8 pm. PVE Meet and Greet, August 12, 2-4 pm, PVE

Ponderosa Elementary School

Kaycee Choate

Meet The Teacher Open House - 8/13/24 from 3:00 to 4:00

Prospect Elementary School

Gwenda Venecia

Meet and Greet, August 13th from 3:00-4:00

Rebound School of Opportunity

Mike Hanneman

New Student Orientation, 8/8, 12-1

Renaissance High School

Meg McGroarty

Welcome Aboard! - All students, 8/12/24, 3-6 p.m.

River Valley Elementary School

John Ursillo

ML Family PS Update Support Day: 8/1, 9am-3pm, Kindergarten Orientation: 8/12, 3:30-4:30 and Meet & Greet 1st-5th: 8/13, 3:30-4:30

Rocky Mountain High School

Dan Lunt

New Student Orientation, 8/9/2024, 11am - 12:30 pm

Sawtooth Middle School

Kevin Leishman

New Student Orientation, August 8th, 9:00 am, SMS main gym

Seven Oaks Elementary

Allie Jacobs

Meet and Greet, August 13, 3:30-4:30

Siena Elementary School

Kacey Schneidt

Meet the Teacher: August 13 from 3:00-5:00pm

Silver Sage Elementary School

Anne Spittle

Meet and Greet: August 13, 3:00-4:30

Spalding STEM Academy

Melissa Hampton

Meet and Greet Night, August 12th, 4-5:30, Spalding STEM Academy

Star Elementary School

Todd Adams

Meet and Greet, August 12, 4:00pm-6:00pm, Star Elementary School

Star Middle School

Tyler Pence

Star Middle School Round Up on August 8th and 9th, 9:00 - 2:00 pm, STMS and 6th grade / New to Star Middle School Open House, August 12th, 1 - 2:30, Last Name A-M, 2:30 - 4:00, Last Name N-Z, STMS

Summerwind STEM Academy

Meghan Stewart

Kindergarten Orientation 8/13 @4pm, Meet & Greet 8/14 @8:20am to 9:20am

Ustick Elementary School

Heidi Jackman-Rahn

Meet and Greet - Wednesday August 14th, 8:30 - 9:15am , Back to School - August 29th 6:00 - 7:30pm

Victory Middle School

Tracy Newell

Kodiak Kick Off - August 7th from 4PM-6PM

Virtual School House

Mike Hanneman

Willow Creek Elementary School

Jared Christensen