Ava Sawyer Memorial Scholarship

Ava Sawyer Memorial Scholarship Application is now available. Please click here to access the application. 

Ava Sawyer's precious life, although altogether too brief on this earth, made a valuable impact on many people. She always went out of her way to put others first and made sure they felt appreciated and loved. If you ever needed someone to count on, Ava was your person. She found the people who needed a friend and made sure that they knew their worth. Her positive character and beautiful soul followed her wherever she went, no matter the circumstances of her own life. She was so supportive to her teammates whether at swim practice, a swim meet, on the court, off the court, in the classroom, and on stage playing in the orchestra. If at any point someone was struggling, Ava was there to pick them right back up. 

When it came to the things that she loved to do, she had so much passion and drive. She was passionate about basketball and the teamwork that came with it. She loved the challenge swimming the butterfly brought, and she valued the way playing the violin made her feel at peace. 

Ava was a bright student, a gifted athlete, and a faithful friend with a heart of gold. Her love for God and loving family helped shape her into the beautiful girl that she was. Ava's kindness, selflessness, and light is an example to everyone as something to strive for in our own lives. At her young age, Ava was an inspiration for many, and the person which was an inspiration for many, and the persons receiving these scholarships will be called to carry on her legacy.