The second annual West Ada Literary Games begins on November 1st! See your school librarian for more information.

Please see the image for more information about West Ada's optional device protection.

Danica received two awards at West Ada's District Visual Arts Awards ceremony. The first award for being CA’s School Choice Award Winner for high school 2-D art as well as an award for being CA’s School Choice Award for high school 3-D art. Danica's art will be on display at the Meridian City Hall in the "Framed" exhibit from April 30th-May 20th. Way to go Danica!!!

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Notifications for Lost or Damaged Devices Start This Week!!!!!!!! We will send weekly e-mails informing families of any outstanding Technology fines to improve awareness and communication regarding students' devices and any fines resulting from loss or damage. Notification will begin Tuesday, August 29th. If you receive an e-mail and have any questions about the charges listed, please e-mail onlinepayments@westada.org or call our IT Service Desk at 208-350-5300. For information concerning repair costs and the West Ada Device Protection program, please visit https://www.westada.org/page/device-protection-program