Free/Reduced Applications

A new application needs to be submitted each school year. Benefits do not carry over from the previous school year. If approved, free or reduced meals will go into effect on the day the application was received. Applications are NOT retroactive.


Click here to go to the Online West Ada Menus

Please check online menu daily for your particular school, date and meal period (breakfast or lunch).

Menus are subject to change due to availability of food items.

Printable Menus

Printable Menus will NOT reflect any changes that may need to be made during the week. For most current up to date weekly menus, please visit LINQ Connect and choose your specific school.

Our Mission:

We provide healthy meals each day to students at 57 sites and employ over 200 staff members. Our nutrition program allows us to provide healthy breakfast and lunch to students in the West Ada School District. We have two sites that currently meet federal requirements for additional funding to provide students with free breakfast and lunch. These sites include Meridian Elementary and Ustick Elementary.

We offer After School Snack Program at Crossroads Middle School and McMillan Elementary School. This program is a federally assisted snack service that fills the afternoon hunger gap for school children in an afterschool program. It is regularly scheduled with activities in a structured and supervised environment, including an educational or enrichment activity.


Milk is included with both breakfast and lunch meals.
Milk can be purchased separately for .75 cents. 















Student (2nd Meal) Employee/Guest



Reduced Pricing * (all schools)



*Please submit a free/reduced application to see if you qualify for this benefit. See Free and Reduced Application drop down menu below for more information.


Payments can also be made directly to the Kitchen with cash or check (payable to School Nutrition). There are no transaction fees associated with these payments.

To pay by credit card or E-Check you need to have a LINQ Connect account. Setting up a LINQ Connect account is free. From your account, you can monitor your student's activity, view menus, add funds (transaction fees apply), and apply for free/reduced lunch. To set up an account, click below and choose "Register." Then create an account for yourself. Then link your student to your account. Then add funds to the account and check out through the cart. (You may need to log out and log back in for new accounts in order for the Add Meal Funds box to appear.) Example:

Add Meal Funds Example

Meal Cost Guidelines

Each student and employee in the West Ada School District is set up with an account in the School Nutrition Services system. A student or employee identification number is used to access the account to purchase either breakfast or lunch.

This is a prepayment system that allows any amount of money to be placed on the account. Students that will be returning to the school district may leave positive balances on their accounts for use the next year. 

At West Ada we believe in feeding all children that come through our service lines. It is our procedure if a student comes into our serving line, they will not be denied a meal based on their account balance or eligibility status. Negative balances will be communicated regularly with legal guardians listed in PowerSchool.  If you wish to not have your student(s) be able to purchase a school meal, please reach out to the School Nutrition Office at 208-855-4575 or via email at for blocks to be added on to their account. Click below to review our current policy/procedure.


Parents/guardians of graduating seniors or students leaving the district with a positive meal account balance have until June 30th of that school year to claim the funds. After this date, the money will be donated to the Child Nutrition program to assist families in need with unpaid meal charges.

To transfer the funds to another student’s meal account within West Ada, please contact the School Nutrition Services office at (208)855-4575 or email us at

To initiate a refund request please use the link below. Upon submission, a check will be issued in 10-14 business days.

Donations of the funds are also accepted and appreciated, use link below.

For questions regarding meal accommodations and food allergies, please follow the link below.

Contact Us

1303 E. Central Dr. 
Meridian, ID 83642 
Phone: (208) 855-4575 
Fax: (208) 350-5963


Meet Westy!

Meet Westy! He is a fun dragon that LOVES fruit and veggies! He visits schools promoting healthy meals that include lots of fruits and vegetables, like from our salad bars.

Email: #westythedragon

More Information:

Breakfast Food Gallery

Lunch Food Gallery

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Cinnamon Toast
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