RapidIdentity Portal Info
RapidIdentity, also known as Web Apps, is West Ada’s web application portal that grants staff and students access to West Ada online applications using any internet-connected device. Using Web Apps, West Ada staff and students will always have access to the most current online resources.
Ways to find the RapidIdentity Portal:
Click the Web Apps icon in the lower banner of the West Ada School District homepage:
From a district Chromebook or iPad, click the link for “West Ada Apps” on the Home screen.
Or, open a browser and go to https://apps.westada.org
Logging into RapidIdentity:
The first time you log into RapidIdentity, you must enter your district username or email address. If you are using a district device, you will not be prompted for your password.
After your first successful login, RapidIdentity will remember your username. Watch this video for a quick intro to this feature:
Once logged in, your portal screen will display all applications assigned to you.
Customizing your RapidIdentity Portal:
Staff and secondary students may customize their portal experience, but elementary students will see a simple, non-customizable portal view.
For more information about personalizing your portal, please review the videos below.