Health Services
Below you will find information on some of the more common childhood illnesses, as well as some information on West Ada School Districts procedures and nurse recommendations addressing student attendance.
Administration of Medications or Other Products at School
Students may need administration of medications or other products during the school day to maximize their academics. Medications or other products asked to be given at school should only be given when necessary and should conform with laws, regulations, practice acts and National Practice Guidelines and Position Statements on Administration of Medications in schools. Many short-term and long-term medications should be given before school for maximum effect during school hours. It is best practice for students to take daily medications (QD), twice daily (BID) and three times per day (TID) before or after school.
For more information, refer to the following link: Guidelines for Administration of Medications and Other Products.
Any child in Idaho may attend preschool through 12th grade, provided that upon admission the parent or guardian provides proof of immunization status. Proof of immunization status will be met by providing one of the following:
A copy of an immunization record(s) outlining the necessary and completed immunization requirements. Parents Guide to School Immunization (English) ( or Parents Guide to School Immunization (Spanish) (
OR A valid immunization exemption must be provided. Forms can be located on this site: Child and Adolescent Immunization | Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
OR A Conditional Admission Form (if applicable) verifying that the child has received or is in the process of receiving (Conditional Admission) immunizations as specified by the state board of Health & Welfare.
Any student enrolling, transferring or returning after withdrawing must show verifiable documentation of immunization status at entry or re-entry. Proof of immunization status is also required at 7th grade and 12th grade when additional boosters are required.
West Ada follows Section 39-4801, Idaho Code: Idaho Department of Health and Welfare Rules, IDAPA 16, Title 02, Chapter 15 and Idaho State Law.
Please refer to this link or to your primary care provider for more information. Child and Adolescent Immunization | Idaho Department of Health and Welfare
Telehealth Services
West Ada School District will provide telehealth services for students. Upon parent request and/or approval, students can participate in a face-to-face virtual medical visit coordinated with community medical partners and the health office at the child’s school site. Parents may link into the telehealth appointment remotely on a personal device.