Frequently Asked Questions:

How can individuals and businesses get involved?

  • Individuals can get involved by donating! Donations can be made by check or card as outlined on the front page of our website.     Businesses can get involved through sponsorships or matching donations of individuals!

Can I donate to the Foundation and pay for my child's activity trip, like a choir trip to  California?

  • No, the foundation can only take donations for projects and donations cannot be specifically to a student. 

I am a teacher and a parent donates to my classroom, how long do I have to use the money? 

  • Donations must be used the year the gift was given/received.

Are donations tax deductible? 

  • Donations to a 501(c)(3) are deductible by the donor as long as donation is not for the benefit of a specifically named individual. The assumption being that the parents making the donations have a child in the extra-curricular activity and is also paying the fees for their child. The donors cannot receive anything in exchange for the donation. If you have further questions, you can e-mail me directly or call the number given below.  

    Alan Pack, Tax Policy Specialist phone: (208) 334-7663 e-mail: alan.pack@tax.idaho.gov • website: tax.idaho.gov 

  • If you have further questions on the Tax Credit you can contact:  CV • Taxpayer Services Representative, Idaho State Tax Commission • Taxpayer Services phone: (208) 334-7660 • long distance: (800) 972-7660 email: taxrep@tax.idaho.gov • website: tax.idaho.gov

Are there restrictions on what a teacher can purchase with their foundation money?

  • All district policies must be followed. Foundation dollars cannot be spent on salaries or gift cards.

What happens when a teacher transfers schools within the district? 

  • All merchandise purchased with funds from the foundation must be left in the classroom where they are purchased. If both principals agree, merchandise might be able to move with the teacher within the district. Unspent dollars in the teacher's account will remain at the school. Dollars do not follow the teacher.

What happens when a teacher transfers out of the district?

  • All merchandise purchased with funds from the foundation must be left in the classroom where they are purchased. Unspent dollars will be moved into the principal's fund.

How do you collaborate with the West Ada School District and other stakeholders to achieve your goals?

  • Collaboration with West Ada and our stakeholders is essential for fulfilling our mission. These partnerships provide the necessary funding to sustain our programs and offer students best opportunities for success in West Ada. Collaboration is multifaceted, extending beyond just donations. The Foundation accepts in-kind donations to bolster our community schools, as well as volunteer opportunities such as participating on the foundation board or serving lunch in our schools. Prominent partners include a multitude of companies like Micron, Amazon, Boise State University, Lamb Weston, Blue Cross, Regence, BVA, and Wells Fargo.

What specific programs or initiatives does the Education Foundation support that could benefit my child's education?

  • We support our teachers through the Thank a Teacher program and working to fund innovation and creativity in the classroom. If you look at the success stories section of our website, we have seen positive educational benefits from what the Foundation does. In addition to the educational benefits in providing donations we make a community here in the West Ada School district.

How can my family benefit from the programs and initiatives funded by the Education Foundation?

  • Numerous classrooms across the district have been supported by generous donations to the classrooms. Families can also benefit from services like Bridging the Gap in collaboration with the school counselor/social worker.

What does the Professional Standards Commission say about personal gifts to teachers- for example a gift card?

Please feel free to reach us at: westadafoundation@westada.org