School Social Work Services

The social workers in the West Ada School District are dedicated to supporting students and their families. As trained and licensed social workers, we serve as a vital connection among home, school, and community. Our mission is to foster students' academic achievements, bolster family stability, and enhance overall well-being.

West Ada School Social Workers deliver both direct and indirect services to students, families, and school staff. Our services include, but are not limited to:

  • Assisting families in accessing school and community resources

  • Advocacy for necessary resources and services to address the needs of students and families within home, school, and community environments

  • Case management services for students and families

  • Serving as liaisons for homeless students within the district

  • Addressing barriers to learning and school success

Our commitment is to ensure that every student has the support they need to thrive both academically and personally.

know your rights: The Mckinney vento act. The McKinney Vento Act protects eligible students and families experiencing homelessness or in temporary housing . ARE you in a temporary living situation?  You may be eligible if any of these reflect your living situation: Doubled up with others due to economic hardship, Living in a motel, living in a campground, living in a shelter, unsheltered in a car, park, abandoned building, etc. Contact your school counselor or social worker.

Quick Links:


West Ada School District, Free Active Parenting Class

West Ada is offering free Active Parenting Classes to parents of children ages 5-12. Parents can expect to learn new tools and skills, and gain resources to help their children thrive. Space is limited, sign up here: Active Parenting Class Sign-Up

Idaho Power Winter Protection Program Now in Effect.

Visit Idaho Power's website to learn more about how to keep your power from being shut off due to unpaid balances this winter. Idaho Assistance - Idaho Power

West Ada School District Podcast: An Interview with Shannon and Anne

Social Work Directory

If you or your student is in need of resources, please connect with your school's social worker. Below is a list of our social workers and their assigned schools.

Annie Caparoso


Staff Picture of Annie Caparoso

Anne Edwards


Staff Picture of Anne Edwards

Brooke Cavecche


Staff picture of Brooke Cavecche

Cora Kaestner


Staff picture of Cora Kaestner

Stephanie Koopman


Staff picture of Stephanie Koopman

Shannon Shayne


staff picture of Shannon Shayne

Molly Patchin


Staff Picture of Molly Patchin