Assessment & Achievement

WASD Assessment and Achievement logo; includes a four-line bar graph

The Assessment and Achievement Department is responsible for administering district and state standardized tests. The department also compiles the tests' results for several purposes. The most important being to report results to students, parents, and teachers so the information can be used to match a student's education to the progress demonstrated on the assessments.

WASD Assessment Beliefs

We believe the primary purpose of assessment (and data) is to measure and support learning through educational practices that inspire hope, efficacy, and achievement in our students.

  • Measure: Using assessment results to determine where students are at in their learning in relation to a specific set of criteria

  • Support: Using assessment results to identify the next logical steps needed to move students forward in their learning in relation to a specific set of criteria

We believe classroom assessments are the most powerful assessments we can use to measure and support learning while simultaneously inspiring hope, efficacy and achievement in our students.

We believe district and state assessments (i-Ready Diagnostic, ISAT, IRI, etc.) are important markers to measure and support learning. We recognize these results must be examined in conjunction with classroom assessments. We must also take into consideration what we know of each student beyond a test score in order to accurately determine the best way to support the student's holistic growth.

*Words below in italics are defined in the Glossary of Terms section.

Learning through a School-Wide, Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) 

In West Ada, we believe the important, privileged, and complex work connected to helping our students learn and grow at high levels is best accomplished through a collaborative effort, where we see all students as our students.

We use six guiding questions to help us focus our work within a multi-tiered system of support that exists within each school and our district as a whole.

Assessments Utilized by West Ada School District to Measure and Support Learning