West Ada Transit System (WATS)
The West Ada Transit System (WATS). This is a school bus system that operates like a city bus with designed stops towards it's destination. These stops are at or near every Elementary, Middle and High school in the West Ada School District.
Who will use WATS?
The system is intended for students needing transportation to/from their home address to RHS, IFAA, CTE (AM or PM), and Charter school students (MMACHS and MTCHS). Students in these programs will board a bus at the school closest to their home address for transportation to Meridian High School, our "WATS Terminal". From this hub, students will then board a shuttle bus to their destination school. In the afternoon, WATS busses will return to their shuttle schools, merge at MHS, where students will board their WATS bus to return them to the school of their choice, closes to their home address.
The are 12 WATS lines to cover the district. Expand the icons below for the school your student plans to use as their WATS stop. These schedules will change as ridership is determined, so return frequently to observe any changes.
Do I need to be registered to ride WATS?
Yes. You can complete the form on PowerSchool under School Forms. Look for the "Request for Transportation" form and submit it to us. Once received and routed, the information will be available in the MyRide K-12 app.
How does a student use WATS?
Students will board a WATS bus at their closest West Ada School and ride to Meridian High School. Meridian High School is the transfer station for all WATS lines. The student will get off the bus at Meridian High School and board the shuttle to their school of attendance. In the afternoon, this travel is reversed.
For example: Johnny attends Renaissance High, and he lives near Lake Hazel Elementary. He will be at Lake Hazel Elementary by 6:31am to board W05 and ride to Meridian High. At Meridian High he will get off W05 and board W04 to go to RHS. After school, Johnny will get on W04 at RHS and ride to Meridian High. At Meridian High he will get onto W05 and ride back to Lake Hazel Elementary.
Click here for a Printable WATS Schedule
Updated WATS Routes below and linked above go into effect on August 14, 2024