Open Enrollment Transfer Information
Note: The 25-26 Transfer Application will be available beginning Tuesday, January 7, 2025.
General Information:
The online transfer application for the 2024-25 and the 2025-26 school year can be accessed in the link below.
No hardcopy applications accepted.
Applications submitted are processed by the receiving school.
Schools will notify the applicant of decision at the email address listed on the application.
Schools have 60 days to notify applicants of decision.
Incomplete applications will be cancelled.
Language and application support are available upon request.
Transfers do not apply to Schools of Choice Schools. These schools have alternative enrollment processes.
All transfer applications are required to submit proof of residency.
First-time Student Open Enrollment Application (In- and Out-of-District)
Please have the following documents with you prior to starting this application. They are REQUIRED in order to submit the application. (Elementary to Middle School and Middle School to High School is considered a First-time Student Open Enrollment Application)
Proof of Residency
Transcripts and/or Latest Grades
Attendance Records need to include excused and unexcused absences for the last 2 years.
Discipline Records need to include for a K-12 student any behavior/safety plans, suspendable incidents, or recommendation for expulsion from the last 2 years.
If there are no discipline records, a letter from the building administrator on school letter head indicating there are no discipline concerns nor records for said student.
Any Special Service Plans: 504, IEP, MLP.
Note: Applications without the required documents will not be processed.
In-District Transfer Definition:
Students who live within the West Ada School District. (0501.90 - AR (3): Procedures to Request an In-District Transfer)
Requesting to attend a school other than the boundary attendance school.
Students who are dual enrolled or home schooled are not eligible for an In-District transfer request. 0501.90 - AR (5); 0501.90 - AR (6)
Out-of-District Transfer Definition:
Students who live OUTSIDE the West Ada School District. (0501.90 - AR (4): Procedures to Request an Out-of-District Transfer)
Requesting to attend a West Ada School District school other than their boundary district school.
Students who are dual enrolled or home schooled are not eligible for an Out-of-District transfer request. 0501.90 - AR (5); 0501.90 - AR (6)
Please refer to Policy 0501.90: Student Enrollment and Enrollment Options; 0501.90 - AR (1): Student Enrollment; 0501.90 - AR (2): Transfer Guidelines for Open Enrollment, for more information.
Open Enrollment Application
for Continuing Students
Students who plan to continue to attend/be enrolled at the school requested only need to upload the "Proof of Residency" with the application.
Note: Applications without the required documents will not be processed.
Open Enrollment Application
for New or Returning Students to the
West Ada School District
Students that are new or NOT continuously attending (have a break in enrollment) in a requested school in West Ada School District, but previously have been enrolled, will be required to submit the same documents as a First-time Student Open Enrollment Application.
Note: Applications without the required documents will not be processed.