Open Enrollment Transfer Information

Note: The 25-26 Transfer Application will be available beginning Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

General Information:

  • The online transfer application for the 2024-25 and the 2025-26 school year can be accessed in the link below.

  • No hardcopy applications accepted. 

  • Applications submitted are processed by the receiving school.

  • Schools will notify the applicant of decision at the email address listed on the application.

  • Schools have 60 days to notify applicants of decision.

  • Incomplete applications will be cancelled.

  • Language and application support are available upon request.

  • Transfers do not apply to Schools of Choice Schools. These schools have alternative enrollment processes.

  • All transfer applications are required to submit proof of residency.

First-time Student Open Enrollment Application (In- and Out-of-District)
Please have the following documents with you prior to starting this application. They are REQUIRED in order to submit the application. 

  • Proof of Residency

  • Transcripts and/or Latest Grades

  • Attendance Records need to include excused and unexcused absences for the last 2 years.

  • Discipline Records need to include for a K-12 student any behavior/safety plans, suspendable incidents, or recommendation for expulsion from the last 2 years.

    • If there are no discipline records, a letter from the building administrator on school letter head indicating there are no discipline concerns nor records for said student. 

  • Any Special Service Plans: 504, IEP, MLP.

Note: Applications without the required documents will not be processed.

In-District Transfer Definition:

Out-of-District Transfer Definition:

Please refer to Policy 0501.90: Student Enrollment and Enrollment Options; 0501.90 - AR (1): Student Enrollment; 0501.90 - AR (2): Transfer Guidelines for Open Enrollment, for more information.

Open Enrollment Application

for Continuing Students

  • Students who plan to continue to attend/be enrolled at the school requested only need to upload the "Proof of Residency" with the application.

  • Note: Applications without the required documents will not be processed.

Open Enrollment Application

for New or Returning Students to the

West Ada School District

  • Students that are new or NOT continuously attending (have a break in enrollment) in a requested school in West Ada School District, but previously have been enrolled, will be required to submit the same documents as a First-time Student Open Enrollment Application.

  • Note: Applications without the required documents will not be processed.