Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Arrival on campus no earlier than 8:45
First Bell 9:05
Tardy Bell 9:10
Dismissal 3:55
Late Start Wednesday allows for Teacher Collaboration in Professional Learning Communities
Arrival on campus no earlier than 9:00
First Bell 9:20
Tardy Bell 9:25
Dismissal 3:55
All visitors, parents, and volunteers must check into the office and get a visitor badge to be on school grounds.
Visitor badges must be visible. We welcome you to Star!
Bus Drop Off
In front of the main office area outside the original building.
Parent Drop Off
Use the drive through drop off zone in front of the addition wing to pull through to the front of the line and allow for students to be dropped off.
Parent Parking
Use the parking lot in front of the addition wing and use the crosswalk to cross the parking lot/Parent Drop Off area.