
Athletics at Sawtooth Middle School are an important part of the overall educational experience for our students.  We offer sports for all grades and a variety of ability levels.  In the fall, football and volleyball are available for 7th and 8th graders and all students 6-8 may run cross country.  Starting in mid October, 8th grade girls can play basketball.  Also in October, any student can participate in Wrestling. Early in January, 8th grade boys may play basketball.  Basketball for boys and girls 7th graders will begin in early March and run through mid April.  The spring sports are open to all students in the building and they begin after Spring Break. The Spring sports offered are tennis and track and field.

In addition, 7th and 8th graders may participate in Cheerleading. Cheerleaders will cheer at all home football and 8th grade basketball games. Cheerleading will begin the first week of school.

In order to participate in any sport, the student must have purchased an activity card ($22.25) which is a one-time fee, pay the district participation fee ($90) for each sport and fill out the participation form. If an athlete pays for 2 sports, the 3rd participation fee is waived. Uniforms will be provided. Cheerleading also has a spirit pack that must be purchased. 

 The participation form the district will use is on the website, Aktivate. Please follow the link below to gain access to Aktivate and input the required information to register your athlete.

Parent Registration Instructional Video

Schedules and sport specific information are on the page for that sport. 


Students participating in school activities/athletics must maintain passing grades in each of their classes to be eligible to participate in games/matches/meets/activities.  Grade checks will be requested weekly by the coaches/advisors.  Grade checks will begin within two weeks after the activity start date. Students must be in attendance at school for the entire day in order to participate in the extracurricular activities after school or in the evening of that same day.  Exceptions include:  court appearance, bereavement, medical or appointments, etc. Students who are suspended, including in-school suspension for a major discipline offense are not allowed to practice or participate in school activities.

The following guidelines will be followed for each student that is involved in a school activity and is failing a class:

 1.  From the date of notification by the classroom teacher, the student has one week to raise the failing grade to a “D” or show significant improvement on an academic plan. 

 2.  If the grade is not raised to a “D” or the student does not show significant improvement on an academic plan, the student will not be eligible to participate in the upcoming week’s games/matches/meets/activities.  The student will be required to practice and attend all contests/activities as a part of the team but will not participate in the event.



No student will be issued a uniform or be allowed to practice until they have submitted the participation form in Aktivate. Fees will need to be paid by the first contest of the season.