Yearbook Information

Yearbook QR Code

Yearbook Pricing:

Click this link or scan the QR code to the left to purchase a yearbook. See below for pricing details.


  • $65 - until 9/14/2024 with the promo code: Back2School

  • $70 - until 11/24/2024. 

  • $80 - until 12/23/2024


  • $90 - until 5/03/2024

Yearbook with a name stamp: (Additional $10) This includes a yearbook and one-line name stamp on the cover. This can only be ordered until 12/23/2024.

Rocky Premium Package: (Additional $20) This includes a yearbook, blank autography supplement, one-line name stamp on the cover, and a dust jacket. This can only be ordered until 12/23/2024.

Attention Seniors and Senior Parents

Senior Submission Information and Due Dates

Submit a Senior Portrait

Photos are due 11/24/2024

Click this link to visit Yearbook Snap and upload.

Use access code: rockygrizzlies​

Photo Requirements: ​

  • Prior to uploading, save your photo file as:  Lastname_Firstname.jpg

  • Headshots Only—full length shots will have to be cropped down for uniformity.

  • All photos must meet RMHS dress code guidelines​

  • No photos sitting or standing on railroad tracks​

  • Do not include the photographer's watermark​

  • All photos with an American flag be respectful and follow the 4 U.S. Code § 8  (Not wearing the flag, flag not touching the ground, etc.)​

Senior photos that do not follow these specifications are not usable and cannot be included in the yearbook.

Purchase a Senior Ad

Ads are due 12/23/2024

Click this link or visit:​

These ads are a great way to celebrate you senior and their accomplishments.

They come in the following sizes:

  • Full page - $250

  • Half page - $150

  • Quarter page - $80

  • Eighth page - $50

Templates are already set up for you in the program. The hardest part is choosing the photos you want to include.

Not sure what to include? Come to Senior Parent Help Night or email for examples.

Need help?

Come to one of our Senior Parent Help Nights!

We can help you upload photos and create senior ads.

Stay tuned for dates!


2024-25 Yearbook Editors:

Editors-in-Chief: Cayden Fite and Logan Sailors

Photo Editor: Bella Harper

Copy Editors: Emmeline Hamm and Olivia Lee

Design Editors: Taryn Miller and Mary Hom

People Editor:Myah Oswald

Social Media and Marketing: Allie Neufeld

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