Counselors and administrators make every effort to keep class sizes balanced. Rocky Mountain’s procedure is such that students who received the classes or alternates they requested at spring course selection will be expected to remain in those classes unless they meet one of the following criteria. These criteria do not guarantee a schedule change, but allow a student to be eligible for consideration for a change. All class changes are subject to final approval by the appropriate administrator.

  • Student is currently registered for/has completed the course online or in summer school (attach

  • Student is assigned to a teacher they have previously had and failed the course.

  • Student wants to change an Honors or AP course for a different level course within the same subject
    (2nd semester changes require teacher approval).

  • Student is dropping an elective for a graduation or college admission requirement.

  • Student has an incomplete/incorrect schedule (i.e. hole in schedule, missing a semester of a year-long
    course, prerequisite not met, or incorrect level placement).

  • Student wants to replace an elective with religious release.

  • Student is dropping a course for a release period (must meet release eligibility requirements).

  • Student is dropping the 2nd semester of a year long course (notification to teacher required). Student needs to talk with teacher about possible consequences for concurrent credit courses.

 Schedule changes initiated by Rocky Mountain High School to balance class or teacher loads are not reversible.

In rare situations, there may be an administrator or teacher-initiated change in which careful consideration is used.

If a student drops a course after being enrolled in the class for two A days or two B days or more, the student will have the subject recorded on his/her transcript with an automatic F for the semester, and no credit will be given (West School District Policy 603.2).

If you are interested in a schedule change and it is within the first two A days or the first two B days of the course, please check with your counselor.

Teacher Change Procedure

Students’ schedules and teacher assignments are computer generated to balance student/teacher ratios in a fair and equitable manner. Therefore, it is the procedure of Rocky Mountain High School to address requests for teacher changes on a case by case basis through the appropriate vice principal. Please speak with your counselor if you feel a teacher change is necessary.