Sign up for RHS TSA by clicking on the link below and filling out the Interest Form. Remember that you still need to pay the fees to the RHS Bookkeeper to become completely registered.
Three other things you need to do:
First: pay your dues to the RHS bookkeeper. ($25)
Second: join our Team on MS Teams: start Teams, click on "Join or create a team" then enter the code 4w1rwcp
Finally: sign up for Remind by texting @34bkkg to 81010 (if you are new to TSA)
Lunchtime business meeting: Will be held in room 303. Look for announcements.
Although attendance at all of these meetings is not required, all members are expected to attend at least once a month for business updates and encouraged to attend as often as possible.
Build sessions: all students are encouraged to work on their competitions after school in either room 303 (Mr. Wax) or 197 (Mr. Smith)
Additional build sessions will be scheduled as we get closer to state competition in March.