Student Entrance Requirements

Checklist and green crayon

Parents and students will need to complete the following items since Renaissance High School is a School of Choice:

Lottery Application Required

  • Click the Public-School Lottery Draw Protocol 


  • Parents and students will be notified through email within the week following the lottery


  • Students who were selected in the lottery will need to accept or decline their


Student acceptance of their lottery seat in December is preliminary to Spring ISAT scores.

  • Students will need to score Proficient (Level 3) or Advanced (Level 4) on both of the 8th grade ISAT ELA (English Language Arts) and Math held in the


  • Student scores will be verified the end of May or beginning of June (when official ISAT scores have been released)

  • If your student does not meet Proficiency in both areas, you will be notified that your student’s admission to Renaissance High School has been withdrawn due to ISAT score


  • Out-of-District or New to the West Ada School District students will be required to submit an equitable assessment to the Idaho Standard Achievement Test (ISAT).

    • If a student is offered and will be accepting a seat to attend Renaissance, contact the main office for more information.