***NEW PROCESS FOR PARENTS: Please SCAN the QR code shown above or click on this link to report all absences or late arrivals. This QR code and hyperlink will also be available on the OHS website and OHS Newsletter. This is a two-step process!
Please call the Attendance Line 208-350-4623 to request a Student Permit to Leave Pass.
Students must obtain a Permit to Leave from the Attendance Office in order to leave campus during the school day. Failure to secure this Permit to Leave will result in a truancy as stated in the school handbook.
*NEW PROCESS FOR STUDENTS: SCAN your student ID badge to obtain a permit to class when arriving late AND whenever leaving the building with a Permit to Leave Pass.
Documentation is required If your student is returning from an appointment. They need to turn in an official note to Attendance to verify the appointment(s) for their absence to be waived. Handwritten notes will not be accepted. Official notes for appointments can be turned in at the Attendance Office window, faxed to 208-350-4621 or emailed to
If you were present in class but marked absent, you need to discuss this with your teacher immediately. Your teacher will then need to email the attendance office for a correction request.
Advanced Absence Form Information
The Advanced Absence Form is a request for pre-arranged absences due to non-school sanctioned athletic activities, college visits, vacations or multiday unforeseen circumstances. It is NOT a guarantee the absence will be waived. The request will be reviewed for authorization by a Vice Principal.
This form can be picked up at the Attendance or Main Office or downloaded here. The Advanced Absence Form must be accurately and fully completed and handed in to the Attendance Office prior to the absence.
In order for the absence to be considered excused, all teacher signatures for the day(s) the absence occurs are required, all student class and parent requirements listed on the form completed, and a parent verification of the student’s absence completed online using the QR code. Once all requirements have been met and approved by Admin., the absence will be updated to ALT when applicable.
Attendance Definitions:
ABSENT: The following absences count towards a student's total of three (3) absences: Parent Call (PRC), Truancy (TR), Unverified (A), and Out of School Suspension (OSS). If a student arrives late, with less than 60 minutes remaining in the class period, they will be marked Absent(A) when official documentation (Doctor, Dentist, Orthodontist, Counseling, Court Appointment, etc.) is not provided.
TARDY: A student will be marked Tardy (T) if they are up to ten (10) minutes late. On the fourth unexcused Tardy and all subsequent Tardies per class, a student will be required to attend a designated detention(s). Loss of credit can occur if detentions are not served. Tardy (CKO) is also given when a student has a Permit to Leave class when there is 10 minutes or less remaining. TARDIES & CKO WILL ONLY BE EXCUSED with official documentation, student's bus arrives late or when other extenuating circumstances arise per administrative approval. A parent call does NOT excuse a tardy or tardy late.
CKO: A CKO is a Permit to Leave within the last 10 minutes of class and will count as a Tardy toward your students’ attendance.
TARDY LATE: When students arrive to class after ten (10) minutes they will be marked
Tardy Late (TL) without providing an official note. A Tardy Late is not counted as an absence but is disciplined as part of the tardy policy.
PERMIT TO LEAVE: If a student requires a Permit to Leave to exit a class before the
class period is complete, the student may be given Check Out Early (CKO), Tardy
Late (TL), or absence (PRC) depending on the time that the student leaves class.
XLA or WAI: Waived (Wai) and Excused Late Arrival (XLA) are excused absence codes. Absences (A), Parent Call (PRC), Sick (ILL), Check Out Early (CKO), Tardy (T) and Tardy Late (TL) will only be excused with official documentation.
DETENTIONS SERVED: When a student completes a designated detention or consequence for lateness, the Tardy or Tardy Late will be changed to Excused Late Arrival (XLA) and will no longer count against them.
ATTENDANCE AND OHS ATHLETIC ACTIVITIES: A student who is absent during any part of the day may not participate in a sporting activity, performance or function that day unless deemed an extraordinary absence. Students must be in attendance at school for the entire school day in order to participate in extracurricular activities after school the evening of that same day. Exceptions include situations beyond the control of the student such as court appearance, bereavement, or medical/dental appointments (doctor’s note must be provided before the end of the school day).