Mountain View Bands

Welcome to the MVHS Band Program.
The Mountain View band program serves 100+ students and consists of Symphonic Band, Marching Band, Concert Band, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Band I, Jazz Band II, Pep Band, Indoor Percussion, and Winter Guard.
The mission of the Mountain View High School Bands is to develop a student’s lifelong love of music and to expand the student’s musical repertoire through its course offerings in Symphonic Band, Jazz Ensemble, Marching Band, Concert Band, and Percussion Ensemble. We believe through these opportunities, students will cultivate a sense of self, community, and personal growth.

Make a Donation
Want to donate?
It doesn’t have to cost a lot to make a big difference for the Mountain View High School Bands!
The Idaho Education Tax Credit lets you support Mountain View High School Bands with dollars you would otherwise owe in state taxes.
Donations to the Foundation qualify for a 50% tax credit — a reduction in the actual tax you owe. If you itemize your taxes, a donation to the Foundation allows income tax deductions on both your state and federal returns, plus a 50% Idaho income tax credit.
Your tax benefit is dependent on your personal income level and filing status. Please contact your tax consultant for additional information.
Idaho individuals may take up to 50% of a gift of $1,000 (a tax credit of $500)
Idaho married couples may take up to 50% of a gift of $2,000 (a tax credit of $1,000)
Idaho corporations may take up to 50% of a gift of $10,000 (a tax credit of $5,000)
From the Foundation site:
My gift provides teachers the opportunity to implement creative and innovative learning opportunities above and beyond what state funding mandates.
I may receive a tax deduction and other tax advantages when giving. The Education Foundation of West Ada School District is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. My donation will go further if my spouse or I are employed with a company that matches gifts. Charitable gifts to the Education Foundation may be claimed as a tax deduction on both federal and state income tax returns. In addition, Idaho taxpayers may be entitled to claim a tax credit for such donations equal to certain limits. For married taxpayers, a 50% credit may be allowed for donations up to $2,000, resulting in a maximum credit of $1,000. Please consult with your tax advisor and take advantage of this money being made available by the state of Idaho, and help Mountain View High School Bands!
Private Lessons
Thank you for sponsoring our Band Program at MVHS!