Counseling Resources

Suicide Prevention Lifelines

Idaho Suicide Hotline
Idaho Suicide Hotline – Call or text: 988

You don’t have to be suicidal to call. If you or a loved one need to talk, call now. Someone is always there for you on the other end of the line.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
No matter what problems you are dealing with, we want to help you find a reason to keep living. By calling 988 you’ll be connected to a skilled, trained counselor at a crisis center in your area, anytime 24/7.

Free Counseling Resource

Student and Family Assistance Program, a free and confidential resource designed to provide short-term and solution focused assistance to students and their families. 1-833-933-3819 or

The Meridian Schools Clinic is a collaborative venture between the Full Circle Health and the West Ada School District.  The District is the host site of the clinic and Full Circle Health is the medical sponsor. The clinic delivers high quality health care to children and adolescents.  Our shared goal is to help children succeed in school and in life by keeping them healthy, in school, and ready to learn.

With a focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and identifying illness early, we help prevent more serious illness later on.  The clinic is a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC).  We are able to provide affordable care for children who might not otherwise be able to access care.

Healthy Relationship Resources:


Homeless Services
West Ada School District is committed to ensuring that homeless children and youth have the ability to access education in our schools. West Ada School District has a variety of school and community resources and services to support children, youth, and families who are experiencing homelessness.

Please contact your student's school counselor if you are currently experiencing homelessness. 

Self Rescue Manual
A guide to all community resources and supports in Ada County.

Sources of Strength

Sources of Strength is a national organization, whose mission is to build a community of strength.  We do that by sharing the strength we practice within our own lives, with others through strength-based/public health style messaging campaigns.  We have Peer Leaders (Students) who invite other students and their community to interact, engage, and apply strength to their own lives.  We, as a group, seek to create a culture of connection, help-seeking, resilience, and wellbeing.  Students will do this through classroom presentations, video announcements, hallway art, social medial interaction.  

The Sources of Strength mission is to create a Well World and we accomplish that by partnering with you to spread Hope, Help and Strength. Having a break from school creates a unique opportunity for everyone to engage with Strengths in new ways and discover the simple things we can do as individuals, households, and communities to care for ourselves and each other. 

We are happy to now have an elective class also dedicated to Sources of Strength.  If a student wants to participate in this club, through the class, they just need to talk with their counselor.  

Summer Resource Document PDF - CLICK HERE

Contact Counselor for more information 
Meetings: During Elective Class Period

National: Sources of Strength

MV: MVHS Sources of Strength
National: Sources of Strength 

The attached document contains information for parents on the following topics:

  • “How do I know if my child is having a crisis or mental health emergency?”

  • “What if I am worried that my child is suicidal, but I am not sure?”

  • “What if I need help during a crisis with my child?” 

  • “How can I try to calm/control the situation while I wait for help?” 

  • “How can I plan ahead for safety?”

  • “What are some additional preventative safety measures?”

  • “What causes a Mental Health Crisis?”