11th Grade

Upcoming Events for Juniors

  • Girls State & Boys State - Registration Spring 2025

Junior Class Presentations

Junior year is the time to lay the foundations for senior year! Preparation for college and career exploration, volunteer hours, and participation in leadership events should be pursued. This will propel students to be eligible for more college and scholarship opportunities. MVHS juniors have received a presentation about navigating through opportunities this year and post-secondary planning. This took place August 29th and September 3rd in English classes. Select "Class of 2026 Presentations" to view material discussed!

College & Career Counselors:

Ashley Walton: A-O, S-U, & AVID

Jade Gough: P-R & V-Z


  • Tuesday, October 22nd

  • Sign up with the bookkeeper by Tuesday, September 6th.

  • Cost $15

  • Taking as a junior makes you eligible for National Merit Scholarship Competition

Fast Forward Program information

Graduation Credit Breakdown


8 Credits


1 Credit


6 Credits


6 Credits

Social Science

8 Credits


2 Credits


1 Credit


2 Credits


22 Credits

ALL 24 core classes passed

TOTAL 56 Credits

Students who are hoping to eligible for academic scholarships from colleges, will still want to complete and SAT or ACT, even if colleges don't require one for application purposes.

College Prep Test

SAT/ Dates and Links

SAT schoolwide test is April 3rd @ MVHS

www.collegeboard.org - MVHS CEEB Code 130396

ACT Dates and Links

www.act.org - MVHS CEEB Code 130396


Understanding the financial aid process for school can be most perplexing and overwhelming. The following websites will help you navigate through this process with a little more confidence.

Always remember that completing the financial aid applications and getting help with the financial aid process is FREE... be wary of those who want to charge money to help get financial aid or assist in scholarships searches!!!

MVHS will host a FAFSA Information Night in the Spring for Juniors and underclassman. TBA

Scholarship sites:

Scholarship Excel Spreadsheet - Click HERE - Sort by 11th grade

Planning for College Night Event

MVHS will be hosting a Planning for college night open to any families wanting more information about post-secondary planning.

  1. October 9th, 6:00-7:00 PM in the MVHS Lecture Hall. (same night as Parent/Teacher Conferences)

  2. Guest Speaker - ISU College Rep Nik Kroon

Junior Resume Builders/Scholarship Prep

  • Leadership Boise Academy (LBA) - Application Opens Sept 9th / Due Oct 11th, CLICK HERE to apply.

  • Girls State - SPRING TBD

  • Boys State - SPRING TBD

  • Academic Summer Programs (ex. NASA, Cybercoding Camp, etc.)

  • Volunteering

  • Job Shadowing

Boise National College Fair

  • Thursday OCTOBER 17th

  • 2 Sessions (9-2 & 6-8)

  • @ Expo Idaho

  • 70+ Schools in attendance last year


  • Email Notification to student email prior to Junior Presentations

  • Career Assessments

  • Research and adding college interests

  • Website with How To Videos

  • Virtual Visits and School Life Videos

  • College Rep Visit Calendar

Exploration and Assessments

  • Virtual College Visits

  • Next Steps Idaho - Career Cluster Survey Click HERE

  • Next Steps Idaho - Interest Profiler Click HERE

  • Next Steps Idaho - Future Finder Click HERE

  • Next Steps Idaho - College Cost Estimator Tool Click HERE

  • Reality Check Assessment Click HERE

College Athletics

Students will need to communicate with academic counselors to meet NCAA eligibility high school course requirements.

Students will need to create an NCAA (Click HERE) or an NAIA account (Click HERE).

Test Scores will need to be sent to both via CollegeBoard accounts or ACTStudent account.


Navy, Army, Army National Guard, Marines, Air Guard, Coast Guard, and Air Force recruiters will be in the "Pit" area of the main entrance once a month to meet with interested students. These visits are currently being setup and will be added as booked here!

The ASVAB is a military entrance exam that MVHS students can take for free. This test is given fall and spring. Our fall ASVAB is November 29th and our spring date Feb 4th. Sign up in the career center if interested.



There is the right path for every student. If students would like to further explore these paths please come see us in the career center and we can find the right fit!

MVHS will also be hosting a Spring Workforce/Trades/Military Fair for students to further explore alternate pathways after high school.

The career center also has a "NOW HIRING" board for students to look up workforce options after high school.

Alternate Pathway Examples:

Northwest Lineman College - CLICK HERE

Plumber Union - CLICK HERE

Electrician Apprentice program - CLICK HERE

CWI CTE Program Options - CLICK HERE

West Ada Career Fair

MVHS will be the host to this years West Ada College and Career Fair

  1. WHEN: March 5th


  3. TIME: TBD

  4. WHO: Colleges/Trades/Careers/Military will be in attendance


A new Idaho Initiative that allows students to utilize additional funding from the state to pursue "In Demand Career Fields".

  • Up to 8K for in demand career program at eligible Idaho Institutions

  • Application Due Senior year by end of November.

  • Visit website for more details: https://idaholaunch.com/

Take Away

Juniors can utilize their junior year by preparing for their senior year. Gather leadership experience and complete volunteer hours to better prepare for applying for scholarships. Be able to answer the question "What experiences do I have that makes me worthy/unique of scholarship money?"