Senior Pictures and Ads for Grads for 2024-2025
Senior Picture Information:
Senior Pictures are due December 1, 2024
Directions on how to submit your photo to the portal as well as photo specifications can be found HERE (after October 1, 2024).
Note: As of fall 2020, we are no longer able to accept senior quotes for publication in the yearbook.
Senior Ad Sales Information:
Senior ad sales end December 1, 2024, or sooner if we sell out of space. Please purchase your ad early, we sell out of space every year. Many people wait until December 1st to purchase their ad and are disappointed when we are sold out.
Buy an ad early and save 10% on your purchase. Use code Warrior2025 (case sensitive) from August 1-October 1, 2024, to save 10%.
Ad picture and text guidelines can be found HERE.
1/8 Page Ad- $70 One (1) photo and up to 10 words.
1/4 Page Ad- $100 One (1) photo and up to 20 words.
1/2 Page Ad- $205 Up to four (4) photos and 50 words.
Full Page Ad- $400 Up to eight (8) photos and 75 words.
PLEASE NOTE: the ad sales website allows you to add more words than our book ad space allows, please follow the above word guidelines.