GT Student Wellness
If your student is ill, please do not send them to school or GT that day. If they require medication to manage their symptoms, please keep them at home until they are feeling well enough to return to their home school.
Bus Departures from Schools/Parent Drop Off
Students who are taking the bus to our center need to check in with their teachers for attendance purposes when the morning bell rings at their home schools. Then they will go to the office to wait for the GT bus. Departure times start as early as 9:15 a.m. but vary by school. Each school office will have their own departure time for GT. Students should follow the directions provided at their home school for going to the office before your bus departure.
Students, once you board the bus, please be respectful to the driver and follow all the directions given by the driver. Treat the bus as you would your family car, use an inside voice at an appropriate volume, wear your mask, and clean up after yourself. You should not be eating food on the bus. Check the area around you for your belongings before you leave the bus.
Outerwear appropriate for the season
Water bottle
Your device (iPad or laptop), charger, and headphones
Extra mask or face covering
Healthy morning snack from home (Optional)
Lunch from home (if you are not ordering school lunch at Lake Hazel)
Parents who are dropping their students off should do so no earlier than 9:30 a.m. at the West end of the school near where the buses will be dropping off. Please do not drop off your student until you see a GT teacher.
At 9:30 a.m., Lake Hazel Elementary students participating in GT will walk to the bus drop off area to meet their GT Teachers and gather with the other arriving GT students.
Bus Departures to Schools/Parent Pick Up
Buses will depart from Lake Hazel Elementary at 1:30 p.m. the GT Teachers will walk the students out to the bus drop off area and dismiss students from there. Upon return to their schools, students should walk quietly and directly back to their classrooms.
Parents who are picking their students up should arrive promptly at 1:30 p.m. and students will be escorted to the bus area to meet you. Please let us know ahead of time if someone other than a parent will be picking the student up after GT.
Lake Hazel Elementary students participating in GT will walk back to their classrooms at 1:30 p.m.
Work Expectations
As GT is considered an intervention to support learning needs, students do not have to make up all of the work they miss while attending GT. Students may demonstrate to their teachers that they know how to do the content via a few problems or an exit ticket. Students will need to make up assessments or complete parts of on-going projects.
Because we will be working on on-going, group projects, regular attendance is highly encouraged. However, we do understand if an illness prevents your child from attending. If your student is going to be absent, please report the absence at your home school. We would also appreciate if you would email or call us to let us know.
Late Arrival
If your child is arriving late, please contact your home school to ensure that he/she will not be marked absent in Power School. Upon arrival at Lake Hazel Elementary, please walk your child into the school and check him/her in at the main office. The office will then issue a pass for your child to come to class.
Early Dismissal
If you need to pick up your child early from school, please communicate the early dismissal with your home school. Please email or call us to let us know the time of the early dismissal. We will inform the LHE front office of the early pick up.
If your child needs to regularly take medication at school or requires medications for allergies or asthma, please contact the nurse at LHE at extension 1040. It is encouraged for students requiring an epi-pen to have a second one housed with the LHE nurse. We are unable to keep or to dispense medications in our classrooms.
Behavior Issues
Although we do not anticipate any behavior issues, we like to be prepared and communicate our expectations. Participating in GT is an extension of students’ learning and is not a field trip nor vacation from the expectations at their home schools. At Lake Hazel, kids demonstrate respect, responsibility, safety and kindness. Should one of our students be having a rough time, we will work with him/her in our classroom. If the student continues to have a behavior issue, we will email parents, his/her teacher, and the principal of his/her home school.
Email is the easiest way to contact us and you can expect a response within 24 hours except on the weekends or over school breaks: Please reach out to us with any questions or concerns.