Frequently Asked Questions

What calendar do you follow for school days? What is your bell schedule?

For the most part, Idaho Fine Arts Academy follows the West Ada School District Traditional High School schedule for all grades (6th-12th). There are occasionally some modifications. Please check the IFAA Calendar here on the website and/or call 208-350-4420 if you have any questions.

The daily schedule is an A/B Block. This closely mirrors the high school schedule across the district. However, our Bell Schedule is different than the traditional high schools - please refer to the IFAA Bell Schedule listed on our website.  Students who come to school late or leave early must sign in and out on the clipboard in the office. As a safety procedure, students will not be allowed to leave without parents notifying the office.

Who can attend IFAA?

Idaho Fine Arts Academy enrolls students in grades 6-12 who have auditioned in one of five majors and have been offered a seat based on their audition score. Audition score is the only criteria for enrollment. Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

What are the artistic areas that students major in at IFAA?

The five major artistic areas are:

     Dance , Theatre , Instrumental (Classical & Contemporary) , Visual Art , Vocal, and now Film!

How do auditions work?

All students are invited to audition in one of the five major areas. Dance, Theatre, Instrumental (Classical and Contemporary), and Vocal majors will audition live in front of a panel of judges. Visual Art majors will submit a portfolio to Idaho Fine Arts Academy to be judged. Visual Art portfolios are available to be picked up after the audition process is completed.

Students' auditions are scored by judges and available seats are offered to the highest score first, the second highest score next, etc. Students with the same score will be chosen by lottery to determine the order that seats are offered. Students who are not initially offered a seat are placed on a waiting list with priority given by score. Seats are offered through the first few weeks of each semester as they become available. Students are not under any obligation to accept the seat and may decline if they choose. Students that decline will need to audition again the following year if they wish to attend Idaho Fine Arts Academy.

Please visit the Audition Information page for more details.

When are auditions?

Auditions are held each February for the following school year. Audition links are available sometime in January to secure your audition spot. Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

How many majors can the student audition for?

At this time, students are invited to audition in TWO area. Students should choose the major that they feel they can excel at the most or the major that they feel the most passion for. Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

How many students audition? How many seats are available?

We have no way to know in advance how many students will sign up for auditions. There may be many students that audition for a particular major in a particular grade one year and few the next.

The number of seats available depend on how many students return for the following school year. Currently, IFAA is able to enroll a maximum of 210 students. Ideally, enrollment will be six students in each major for each grade (6-12). There will be a maximum of 30 students in each grade. IFAA will give as much notice as possible to auditioning students and their families regarding seat availability and waiting list status.

Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

My child is on the waiting list. Do they have to re-audition the next year?

Yes. Waiting lists are for the current school year only. Non-enrolled students must audition each year. Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

What if I have more than one child auditioning and only one is offered a seat?

IFAA does not have a sibling preference policy. It is possible that not every sibling will be offered a seat. Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

Does my child have to audition again for every school year?

No, once a student is enrolled, he or she does not have to audition again. The only exception would be if a student withdraws from IFAA for any reason and wishes to re-enroll. If a student is NOT enrolled at IFAA, they must audition each year as waiting lists are only held for the current school year. Please visit the Audition Information page for details.

My child is advanced in certain subjects or is on a 504 plan. What accommodations are made?

Since IFAA has such a small student population and therefore a small staff,  special accommodations for either students that require advanced courses or students on a 504 plan may sometimes be a challenge. Not all programs that are offered in the West Ada School District are offered here. Please call and speak with our guidance counselor regarding your child's specific situation.

May my child take classes in majors other than their own?

Yes, as the schedule permits and as electives are available. For instance, Instrument majors may take Dance for Musical Theater if their schedule permits.

How often does my child have classes in their major?

IFAA students in grades 6-12 have class in their major every day for 90 minutes.

What curriculum does Idaho Fine Arts Academy use for core classes?

IFAA uses the same curriculum as the West Ada School District in all "regular" classes. IFAA Graduation requirements are the same as any other school in the West Ada School District.

Is there bus transportation?

Yes there is transportation for students that attend Idaho Fine Arts Academy before or after school. Families are encouraged to carpool whenever possible also.  

Are school breakfast and lunch offered at IFAA? May students leave campus for lunch?

IFAA uses the same nutrition as West Ada School District. Breakfast is not currently offered, however a morning snack and lunch are available. Students sign up each morning for their lunch choice. Lunches are brought in from another school and served in our Cafeteria and Commons.

Students may also choose to bring a lunch from home. Students in grades 6-9 are required to remain on campus. Juniors and Senior’s may leave campus for lunch. These policies are consistent with the other schools in our district.

What if my child wants to play sports or other extra-curricular activities?

IFAA does not have any sports teams. Students in grades 7-12 who are interested in participating in athletics or extra-curricular activities such as marching band need to contact their neighborhood/home school for details. Home school is determined by the student's home address. 6th graders are not able to participate in extra-curricular activities at their neighborhood schools.

IFAA does have a number of Leadership Clubs. Please visit the IFAA Leadership page for more details.

Is my child allowed to "shadow" a student prior to auditioning to see if they like it?

West Ada School District currently does not allow student shadowing. There will also be student information sessions and touring events before auditions.