Film and Media Overview

The twentieth century was the century of cinema. The art and business of film grew from a novelty to the dominant global art form during that time. Film encompasses the visual and the aural, capturing live performances and events and allowing gifted artists to shape their film vision to fit a 70-foot screen.

Film & Media Arts majors at Idaho Fine Arts Academy will hone their skills through training in screenwriting, editing, cinematography, sound editing, producing and directing and, in the process, gain experience and confidence in all aspects of film and media production. Students will experience a thoroughly hands-on, pre-collegiate curriculum designed to mentor students in their artistic and individual growth.

Students' work should demonstrate their individual artistic vision as expressed through collaboration with their fellow students, technical craftsmanship and proficiency in cinematic storytelling.

Film and Media Audition Information

To determine if the IFAA Film Studies Program is a good fit for a student, all applicants will submit a Visual Sample, a Writing Sample, and participate in an Interview.

Visual Sample Guidelines:

  • Students will be contacted after the application period closes to schedule a time for an interview and to review your submission. 

  • Students will submit a short original film, documentary, music video or TV news piece and upload their work sample to YouTube or Vimeo. Students will share the link with IFAA for viewing (not Google links).

  • Students should ensure the video plays back properly and should keep the link active until after the audition and enrollment process is complete. The sample should not exceed the five-minute maximum length.

  • The visual sample could be a work students have already made or something they have made for the audition portfolio. Samples that tell complete stories with a beginning, middle and end are best. This sample should showcase their work in a major creative role (as director, cinematographer, or editor) and may include stop-motion animation. There should be no overly violent or sexual content or crude language in submissions. If there is other work students are proud of and would like to share, they may include those as supplemental YouTube or Vimeo links.

  • Students may not submit home movies, YouTube, TikTok skits, prank videos, skateboarding videos, or sports videos.

  • Students should be aware of and honor all copyright infringement when creating their submission. All copyright material, including music, must be used with the consent of the owner.

Writing Sample Guidelines:

  • The written sample will also be submitted once the application period has closed.  Samples will be submitted electronically.

  • Please submit an original writing sample for a five-minute short film, TV piece or documentary. To show a student’s range of ideas, the writing sample should be an original story that is different from the visual sample. It should tell a complete story with characters, obstacles, a beginning, a middle, and an end. Students should feel free to write something they wish they could make if money were no object. They may submit this in one of the following formats:
    * Five-page script
    * One (1) 2-3 page short story
    * One page story synopsis (at least three paragraphs long)

Interview Guidelines:

  • Applicants will be contacted by the school and interviews will be conducted at IFAA. Interview slots will be scheduled after the application window closes.

  • Applicants should prepare for an interview with the film director and IFAA’s principal to discuss their work and application answers. The interview will last for about fifteen minutes. They should be prepared to talk about their samples, filmmaking interests and goals, as well as why studying film and television at IFAA would be important for them as an artist. They should look their best for the discussion (just like they would for a job interview).

  • Applicants who are English language learners, have a disability, or need technology assistance are encouraged to reach out for support with the admissions process.