West Ada School District Counseling Services
School counselors are vital members of the education team found in each West Ada school building. Through the implementation of a comprehensive school counseling program, school counselors assist all students in the areas of academic achievement, personal/social development and career development, to ensure that today's students become the productive, well-adjusted adults of tomorrow. School counselors provide short-term individual counseling, group counseling, and guidance curriculum. School counselors also help connect students and their families to a variety of community resources.
Each school counselor or school social worker has a Pupil Personnel Certificate from the Idaho State Department of Education. The minimum education requirement for this certificate is a master’s degree in school counseling or social work.
School Counseling
The School Counselor:
Promotes a safe, caring, climate and a positive school experience for all students
Guides and supports students with personal, social, and academic goals
Encourages students to have healthy perceptions of themselves
Inspires students to show kindness, respect, and empathy toward others
Advocates for students, and empowers students to make positive choices, by using appropriate tools for problem-solving and decision making
The Role of the School Counselor:
Offers short-term, solution focused, individual and group counseling (group counseling is based on availability).
Teaches whole group class lessons with district approved curriculum
Observes students in various settings
Consults and collaborates with parents, staff, students, and community agencies
Provides community referrals and resources for families
Coordinates Section 504 Accommodation Plans
Provides support during a crisis
The School Counselor's Referral Process:
Referrals typically come from parents, staff, and students
Students can stop by the counselor’s office (with teacher permission), and fill out a request slip, or bring their own note, and place it in the counselor’s confidential mailbox. Or, students can ask their teacher to contact the school counselor for them.
Staff and parents may contact the counselor at any time via phone or email
Note: For issues beyond the scope of a school counselor, and/or when more intensive, long-term services may be needed, parents may request referrals for outside counseling services
Confidentiality Policy
What you say in here stays in here UNLESS:
You threaten to hurt someone...
You plan to hurt yourself...
Someone has hurt you...
You have broken the law...
You give us permission to share with other trusted adults...
Counseling Support Groups
Heritage Middle School offers many different groups throughout the school year. These groups are offered according to interest and availability. All group members will be required to obtain parent/guardian permission before attending group meetings. For a copy of the group counseling consent form, please have your student stop by the counseling office before school, at lunch, or after school. A copy can be emailed home to you upon request.
Friend Zone: A group to build friendships and communication skills.
Mad Hatters: An educational support group to help you learn skills to manage your anger so you can be more successful in school and life.
Changing families: A peer support group for students experiencing changes in their family due to divorce, military deployment, illness, and other stressors.
Zen Kids: An educational support group focused on mindfulness and coping skills to deal ith everyday stress and anxiety.
Concerned Others: A peer support group to help those dealing with a loved one's drug/alcohol use.
Reflections: A peer support group for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one.
Individual School Counseling is..
Offered in a confidential and supportive setting
Conducted on a one-on-one basis
Short-term in nature, and often occurs in 1-3 sessions
Available to ALL students 6-8
Meant to meet any immediate student needs or concerns
Not long-term therapy. For students with acute mental health issues (e.g. Eating Disorders, Abuse, Depression, Anxiety, etc.), a referral to an outside mental health provider can be provided to parents.
Please contact your School Counselor if you would like to refer your child for individual counseling
Academic Resources/Interventions
If your student is struggling academically, we have several interventions available. Please review and select the best option for your student.
Encourage your child to use their agenda - Every Monday, students write the week’s assignments, important dates, and other relevant information in their agenda. Encourage your student to review their agenda each day at home to ensure they are completing work on time and studying for tests. Teachers will post on their website, each week, a copy of the agenda for their class.
Communicate with your child’s teacher(s) - Contact your child’s teacher directly to discuss concerns, ask questions, and to provide support.
Create an account in PowerSchool and check your child’s grades weekly - Contact the school if you need your username and password to create your parent account in PowerSchool. Actively checking your student’s grades is one of the best ways to support your child.