Booster Fundraising

Band Fundraising Opportunities

Holiday Poinsettias Oct 23 - Nov 17, 2023

CHS Band Day at Culvers - 10/23/23

CHS Basketball Concessions - TBD
We will manage concessions at three basketball games with proceeds going to the band program.


Spring Flower Baskets

Baskets go on sale March 25th. Order yours at and choose check out as guest. Mention your favorite band student in the notes.

Trailer Fund Sponsors Contact fundraising Chair, Alison, at

Band Aid Banquet
Special event featuring dinner, dessert auction and Pie in the Face Raffle!

Support the Band

There are many ways to support the Centennial Band program! 

Band Fundraisers help support band trips, events, music, marching band uniforms and other items that keep our band strong and support a positive high school band experience for our student musicians.

Band Booster Shop

Follow this link to do any of the following:

1. pay booster membership fee of $1

2. buy a Centennial Band Car decal

3. donate directly to the Spring Band trip or trailer purchase fund

Donations to the Centennial Band Boosters are tax-deductible under IRS section 501(c)3.   

Fools for Jazz 

Benefit concert featuring the Centennial High School Jazz Ensemble, with Silent Auction and very special guests April 2, 2024 at JUMP Boise. Order Tickets online at Centennial Band Boosters Square Site

Fools for Jazz  Benefit Concert April 2, 2024

Fred Meyer Community Rewards

If you already have a FM Rewards card, visit, log into your Fred Meyer account and search for "Centennial Band Boosters" or "RD365" and click Enroll. 
This is a separate program for non-profits and doesn't change your regular rewards, rebates or fuel points!

If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store or sign up on line at:

Fred Meyer Community Rewards logo

Corporate Matching

Many companies sponsor matching gift programs and will match any charitable contribution made by their employees. Donations can potentially double or even triple your gift! 

Check with your employer’s HR department to see if your gift is eligible. Complete the employee section of the matching gift form from your employer and submit it with your gift to Centennial Band. Contact our Band Treasurer with any questions.

Just a few of the companies that may participate in this program include: Albertson's, Hewlett Packard, Idaho Power, Home Depot, Intermountain Gas and Micron