The Bands are directed by Brittany Brings

District 3 Solo & Ensemble Festival Winners!
The Centennial High School Band Program has had a tradition of excellence since the opening of the school in 1987. The band program currently consists of the Symphonic and Marching Bands, (grades 10-12), Concert Band (9th grade), Jazz Ensemble, and a volunteer pep band. The Centennial Symphonic Band has received consistent superior ratings at the District III Large Group Music Festival and has performed in five western states. Additionally, the Symphonic Band has worked with, among others, Harry Begian, Tim Salzman, Gary Green, John Whitwell, Kenneth Bloomquist, Melvin Shelton, Don Wilcox, Mark Camphouse, Robert Ponto, John Locke, Marcellus Brown, and James Keene.
The Centennial Marching Band has successfully competed throughout the Northwest and are previous Sweepstakes winners at the Northwest Marching Band Championships, the Tri-Cities Cavalcade of Bands, and are 11-time Sweepstakes winners at the District III Marching Festival.
Students are actively encouraged to audition for various honor ensembles as well as solo and ensemble work in order to further their individual playing skills. More than 100 students have participated in the All-State or All-Northwest Band or Orchestra and many more students have participated in the Boise Philharmonic Youth Orchestra. Centennial is also proud of their participation in solos and ensembles, at the District III Solo and Ensemble Festival, at the State Solo Contest, and in the local community. Great emphasis is also placed on continuing their active music participation after graduation. Since the school has opened over 90 Centennial Band graduates have gone on to become music majors in college, and many more have participated in college or service bands or orchestras. The band program also serves as a support group for its students in all facets of high school life. By providing a thorough musical experience and a strong sense of fellowship, it is hoped that the members of the Centennial High School Band will look back on their time in the organization with fond memories and friendships that last a lifetime.
Thank you for sponsoring our program.