Conway, Katie

Mrs. Katie Conway

Mrs. Katie Conway

Phone: 208-350-4180


Degrees and Certifications:

Elementary Education- GOOOO BSU!


I am so excited for a new school year!  I have been teaching first grade since 2007 (can you tell I love this grade!!!), and this year, I will be a Reading Intervention Teacher servicing Chaparral Elementary!  I am excited for the new challenges that this position will bring!  

I have a passion for teaching reading, phonics, and writing- and can't wait to help build a love of reading and phonics skills with primary learners!  

Love, Mrs. Conway 


A Few Of My Favorites:

Coloranything red!

Thing to do: Hang out with my Husband and son, camping, and go for adventures on our RzR!

Food: Pasta!

Drink: White Chocolate Raspberry Hand Blended Rebel from Dutch Bros!

Restaurant: Red Robin, Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse or Longhorn!

Coffee Place: Dutch Bros (.....not a fan of Starbucks!)

Season: Summer- I do not like snow- so this is an easy pick for me! 

Funny Facts:

-I am terrified of flying butterflies!  (How silly is that!) 

-I always wear my sunglasses

-I love taking silly pictures